You and I are riding atop a cold glass marble, spinning at over - TopicsExpress


You and I are riding atop a cold glass marble, spinning at over 1,000 mph, orbiting an intensely hot globe at 67,000 mph, which itself is moving through our galaxy at over 45,000 mph. As we travel together at lightening-fast speeds, our own galaxy The Milky Way is heading toward a cosmic collision with the nearby Andromeda Galaxy at over 245,000 mph in less than four billion years. Our world is constantly bombarded by deadly space radiation and debris. Fortunately were shielded from certain doom by a 10-mile thick layer of gases and a magnetic field generated by Earths iron-nickle core—only 1,500 miles thick. Every single molecule comprising you, me, and all that we see was formed in the furnace of star or the collapse of a black hole millions and billions of years ago. Saint or sinner, our journey is limited only by our collective beliefs. We are here and gone in the blink of eye. Our species will soon be forgotten and virtually untraceable once were gone. The same fate as 99.99% of all living organisms that preceded us. Why are we wasting our limited time by quibbling about money, ethics, religion, and politics, and finding fault everywhere we look? Why are we killing our neighbors, their cultures, other nations, and the planet we share over differences that amount to little more than unsubstantiated ideologies?
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:06:30 +0000

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