You are being asked to take to heart what you are about to read - TopicsExpress


You are being asked to take to heart what you are about to read and have revealed to you. The Birth of The Next Evolution of Hemp: Hemp Sprouts (c)2014 By Brother Sage In 1995, I authored, illustrated, published, promoted and sold 5000 copies of the book, Hemp Live Foods Vegan recipes. The list of envisioned hemp related food, oil, tinctures, etc included Hemp sprouts. Now, in my 37th year thriving on Living Foods, the Vision of Hemp Sprouts as a Perfect Food, Nutrient Dense Powerhouse( some call superfoods) Food and medicine hit me deep two weeks ago. This vision keeps guiding me to incredible people and visionaries aligned with this idea. Some have included Colorado Hemp Farmers, Hemp Advocates across USA, Nutrition Gurus, medical Intuitive, Social Activists, Live Foods Gurus, and a man in Ireland selling Hemp Juice from leaves and flowers. Since shipping or exporting viable hemp seeds into the USA is currently held as illegal, here is an alternative. I invite you to take a DEEP BREATH & KEEP AN OPEN MIND: Would you be open to the possibility of working with any of your Hemp Farmer(s) to grow Hemp Sprouts? We would have them tested for nutritional content. Then we would create a way to dehydrate the sprouts. At that point you have Un-viable hemp seeds. Simply ship the dried sprouted hemp( which cannot germinate) material to Colorado. Here is the outside the box or context we are taking our minds, about what is possible with Hemp Seeds: THIS IS THE GREY AREA OR LOOPHOLE, THE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES HAVE MISSED. Please feel out my suggestion and share it with others as well. Looking forward to your response, as well as support in birthing this Paradigm or Quantum Jumping Idea, my friends. When the lab results verify what many are feeling are true about what Hemp Really has locked inside it, how we currently consume hemp will be forever changed. Finally all those people around the world who have been consuming hemp foods and not feeling much health improvement, Now they Will! Deeply appreciated, Brother Sage Father of (c)2014 Hemp Sprouts( movement ) Brother Sage 720.628.2167 brothersage The Inescapable Book™ drenzyme.wix/hempsprouts From humble beginnings (the ancient hemp seed) Sprouts a new generation of Hemp Nutrition. by Brother Sage Long before Man had laws, much less laws about plants and herbs, there thrived the Mother of All Useful plants for Humanity, earth, air and all Life, Cannabis(Hemp). Fast forward to 2014. While 30 countries have successfully honored and maintained a Hemp Industry, USA is just now moving toward her tipping point of returning Cannabis to the people. Since April 2014, I have been a Voice, Vision and Coordinator of the birth of what I call Activated Living Hemp Nutrition. Several Hemp advocates, a candidate for governor, hemp company in Ireland, a movie producer, Hemp & other business persons, a Sprout expert, medical intuitive, and others have been aligning with what has been established as Hemp Sprouts Foundation ( not for profit foundation and Ministry, A Way of Being). As a result of posting comments, images of hemp sprouts, videos, etc on Brother Sage Facebook page, a following of Hemp Sprouts enthusiasts has been building. I have been documenting stages of HSF and the growth of producing Hemp Sprouts on a large scale to not only create and meet the needs of the Natural health Industry( USA or Canada will be first). Also working on the Possibility of Activated Living Hemp Nutrition in alignment with a Media Blitz Online and offline, which will lead to a Viral Explosion of product sales, establishing of major accounts, one exclusive MLM, a Hempumentary, a revision of my Hemp Live foods Vegan recipe book and renamed, and much more. Superfoods companies have begun to long up to be among our first customers. As the Original Hemp sprouts vision grows in me each day and the mission of HSF & my ministry compels me, the day comes closer when this WILL BE A REALTIY.. Thank you all for holding this Vision and Mission with HSF, I deeply appreciate all of you. As a servant of The Creator( God, Source, Love), all details of this project continue to take care of themselves as long as we or I are out of the way. Everyone and every detail that keeps moving with us and showing up has been a blessing and an act of grace. Onward, Brother Sage
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:56:13 +0000

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