You are being brainwashed daily by Republitards and Demoncrats. - TopicsExpress


You are being brainwashed daily by Republitards and Demoncrats. You are being tricked into an ideology of Federal Statehood. You are blindly fighting for a state of slavery. We the People must retain the Power! We dont need a Federal Government other than to Facilitate Trade and National Defense. All power must be given back to the states. We the people are not stupid! We dont need a federal government to take care of us. To dictate to us! We are smart enough to run our households, our communities, our cities, our states. This Fed is way to big and out of control!!! Wake Up slave! Our Union is gone. Gone is the Republic. If the state has more power then the City would have more power. If the City has more power than each individual has more power. More Voice! Grass Roots! More individualism. More creative ingenuity! More!!! More!!! Stop the cycle! Stand up for real Unity! Stop the division! Dont fight for a cause. Just Unify and stand up peacefully for a cause! Dont listen to the brainwash media machine against those wanting Less Government! Stop taking hand-outs! Work!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:40:53 +0000

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