You are cordially invited to meet & discuss Pennsylvanias - TopicsExpress


You are cordially invited to meet & discuss Pennsylvanias pressing issues with JOHN HANGER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR We have been impressed with some of his positions on the issues. Wed like to hear more. Please join us. Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 Kings Restaurant, Monaca (private dining room) RSVP to me Positions we like: strengthen Pennsylvania’s Advanced Energy Portfolio Standard by increasing electricity from renewables hangerforgovernor/an_energy_policy_that_works Ensure smart oversight of natural gas drilling by hiring more people in the Department of Environmental Protection hangerforgovernor/an_environmental_policy_that_works Reverse over $1 billion in K-12 and higher education funding cuts. hangerforgovernor/education_that_works Making smart, safe and compassionate reforms to our marijuana laws to allow medical use of marijuana, reduce prison overcrowding, ameliorate racial discrimination in marijuana arrests and save money hangerforgovernor/conscience_and_individual_freedom Create state health care exchanges. Increase mental health funding. Implement a single-payer system. hangerforgovernor/ The Eight-Point Strategic Jobs Plan. The plan reverses the disastrous Tea Party approach to our economy that Tom Corbett has ruthlessly followed for the last two years. His loyalty to Grover Norquists’s No-Tax Pledge and his mistaken belief that severe state budget cuts and tax cuts for favored businesses are good for the economy, have put job creation in Pennsylvania on a steep decline – from 7th in the nation in 2010 to near the bottom today. During my previous public service as a commissioner of the Public Utility Commission and secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection, I implemented policies like retail electric competition and alternative energy standards that created tens of thousands of jobs and brought scores of companies to Pennsylvania. As governor, I can do more with this plan. hangerforgovernor/economic_development_that_works Working people should be angry because our economy is getting bigger, but their wages are flat or declining. A major reason why the slices of the economic pie are getting smaller is because unions area under attack. Destroying unions is a key objective of right-wing ideologues. I will defend organized labor and support collective bargaining, prevailing wage laws and the right to organize. I will appoint a pro-labor Secretary of the Department of Labor and Industry who will enforce Pennsylvania’s labor laws. I will oppose so-called “Right to Work” laws that seek to destroy unions and result in the “Right to Earn Less.” And I will work to raise the minimum wage.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:48:58 +0000

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