You are divinely blessed conscious human being who is destined to - TopicsExpress


You are divinely blessed conscious human being who is destined to live life with abundance, happiness, success and peace only when your window of mind is crystal clear and have eager desire to take massive passionate action for the manifestation of our deep rooted burning desire. Your every thought is shaping and creating solid foundation for discovering your quality of life. Every human has got their own divine guidance system and nobody has control to guide on other thought pattern. Your inner world is home for heaven where you have to plant the seeds of love, kindness, dream, compassion, positive thought and peace which can attracts alike from the universe as universe is neutral to your thought where no rectification of your thought takes place. Whatever you are thinking and saying with solid conviction and strong self belief is fuel for your miracle creating mind “Subconscious” which paves solid foundation for your glorifying and gratifying future. The best philosophy of life says “Feed your mind with positive, abundant and life prospering thought which can open the channels of miracle creating doors which is divinely constructed for your prosperous and purposeful living life as it’s your birth rights”. Most of people are victim of negative circumstances because they are feeding their subconscious mind with negative toxic thought which is reflected back in their highway of day to day life. The best wise decision for you is to get driven by your inner guidance system and your inner instincts if you want to attract life prospering circumstances in your life. You yourself is best architect of your destiny and you can cross all bridges of your life circumstances with joy and success if you have eager desire to change your thinking pattern in positive manner. The universe is always wired with your thought manufacturing zone to reflect back your deserving circumstances so advance your conscious level of awareness while planting right seeds of thought. Every experience in life is complete fuel for forming belief system and belief system is like power house. Life is miraculous journey where you yourself is captain and it’s up to you to drive your life with perfection in the light of positive programming of your inner world. You are divinely protected, connected, blessed with infinite intelligence and gifts, be grateful of everything and express it through positive self affirmation to wired it to your subconscious mind for wise programming
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:02:59 +0000

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