You are not alone, in your confusion and spiritual blindness.Your - TopicsExpress


You are not alone, in your confusion and spiritual blindness.Your chosen religion ~ NAZI CHRISTIANITY, or Islam, nor Hinduism were never designed for you, or any human being to think and understand the nature of reality/ You have finally come face to face with your own mindless BELIEFS, and so you have now touched an inner portion of yourself which you have been taught to ignore all of your life. This applies to all TRUE BELIEVERS of every organized world religion we know of on earth. You love an INCOMPLETE IDEA about the nature of reality. You are lost in confusion in the PSYCHIC UNIVERSE of your own system of core beliefs. THERE IS NO DEVIL, AND NO PERSONIFIED PARTICULARIZED GOD IN THE UNIVERSE. [ ALL NAMES ARE MEANINGLESS ] Jesus name nor any other name is more important than your own. WHAT IS THE MEANING and PURPOSE of human existence ??? Have you really given any honest thought in contemplation regarding that essential fundamental issue. MANKIND HAS BEEN MADE TO BECOME PSYCHICALLY DERANGED. Normal human beings have committed SPIRITUAL SUICIDE, and have been all ARTIFICIALLY DIVIDED WITHIN THE PSYCHE, and therefore psychologically separated from their own sacred blessed inner divinity. You say and believe IN THE IDEA OF A SAVIOR, how could that statement be Believed for so long and that ONE NAME IS ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES, that you would believed in THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS without thinking and questioning the validity of that expression, TRULY RIDICULOUS IDIOCY. ALL HUMANS THAT HAVE BEEN INDOCTRINATED TO BELIEVE IN ONE SO-CALLED HOLY BOOK have all become unwittingly mindless in abrogating their own conscious responsibility in the exercise of their own SACRED FREE WILL. *[ NOW A CAVEAT: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE TERM RELIGION ??? & WHY HAVE HUMANS CREATED ORGANIZED RELIGIONS IN THE FIRST PLACE ??? Think on this question as a fundamental issues which impacts all of mankind ]*. To begin to appreciate and this deeply understand THE MEANING OF RELIGION you must FIRST understand WHAT ideas are and how are we humans meant to understand idea-concept-essences. Your CHRISTIAN RELIGION has taught you to ONLY BELIEVE and never ever attempt to rely upon your own internal psychic mechanics in trusting your own personal inner divinity and your own conscious mind, feelings, emotions or intuitions and dreams. ^ I am deeply moved by your sincerity and newly discovered self honesty DEAR SOUL PERSONALITY. I am writing these comments for your edification. I have no instructions to lend nor give to anyone on earth. You create your own reality according the nature of your deeply held core beliefs. Ideas of good and evil, gods and devils, salvation and damnation, are ALL MERELY SYMBOLS, and so are all NAMES of deeper religious values; Cosmic Values if you will, that cannot easily be translated into physical terms, especially through words written in BOOKS. Just now · Unlike · 1
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:02:54 +0000

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