You are only as good as the people you surround yourself - TopicsExpress


You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Thats one of the issues plaguing the man from Otuoke. He has a PhD in surrounding himself with people that show him up as someone that doesnt know what the hell hes doing on that seat. When you have Abba Moro the immigration employment scam artist as a minister, when youve had Wike the comedian as a minister, when you have a minister like DAM that shrouds a whole ministry in secrecy and scandals, when youve had ministers buying bullet proof cars for their personal use with public funds..... When you have people like Doyin Okupe and Wendell Simlin speaking for you....... When you have someone like FFK doing god knows what for you and just generally being a nuisance on your behalf....... How on earth are we supposed to take you serious? Buhari is not a messiah. Hes not going there to wave a magic wand and make PDPs rot vanish in a blink. Hes not going to chant incantations and by himself pull us outta this mess that Jona has dug us deeper into What he is definitely going to do is to surround himself with competent hands that are ready to work and move this country forward. He will align himself with hard workers and believers in the Nigeria Must Be Better project. He wont surround himself with murderers, agberos, looters and jet flying corporate thieves. He will have the best team backing him. They are ready to bear down and work. Break their backs and work. All for a good change. All for you. Buhari cant do it alone afterall no be only him waka come. He would have the best of the best with him. Vote for people that represent your interest not the ones that steal your interest. PS: Because I like you guys, I put a bonus pic of my boo in shorts. Sorry, you cant see his legs but they are hot anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Change we want. Change we need. Change we will get.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 08:42:00 +0000

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