You are seeing a lot of TV commercials about Proposition 45, about - TopicsExpress


You are seeing a lot of TV commercials about Proposition 45, about how it puts too much power in the hands of a politician etc. Dave Jones is our state insurance commissioner, and he has been fighting to get some oversight in that office over medical insurance. All types of insurance, like homeowners, car, life, etc. all have to justify their rates to the insurance commission and the elected insurance commissioner. But there is one exception: medical insurance. It is completely unregulated and guess what we get... skyrocketing medical insurance rates. And now you know why those ads are so convincing, they are made by the insurance industry. Here are his comments about this: The health insurers are spending over $37 Million to run deceptive and false TV and radio commercials to mislead voters about Proposition 45. Dont believe what they are trying to sell. There is no independent commission which can regulate excessive health insurance rate hikes. Rates have gone up 185% in the last decade. Right now, no one in California has the authority to regulate excessive health insurance rate hikes. We need Prop 45 to fix that hole in healthcare reform. The health insurers ads dont identify by name the independent commission they say has the authority to regulate health insurance rates. Thats because one does not exist. And if the health insurers are implying that the independent commission is Covered California, its simply not true. Covered California does not have the authority to regulate excessive health insurance rates. Covered California is not independently elected or directly accountable to the voters. Covered Californias board is appointed by politicians who accept donations from insurance companies. The insurance commissioner, however, is elected directly and independently by the voters. Contrary to what the ads suggest, I do not accept special interest contributions from insurance companies, their boards, their employees or insurance agents or brokers. There is no power grab because no one in California has the authority to reject excessive health insurance rates. The only power being taken away is that of the health insurers to inflict excessive health insurance rates on Californians. 35 other states have given their insurance commissioner the authority to reject excessive health insurance rates. And those states are getting better health insurance rates. But not California. Its time to stand up to the power, money and influence of the health insurers. Just as the voters did in 1988 when we enacted Proposition 103 to give the Insurance Commissioner the authority to regulate auto, home, and casualty insurance rates, saving consumers over $100 Billion since then.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 05:19:53 +0000

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