"You are so miserable." I hear this and it always confused me, - TopicsExpress


"You are so miserable." I hear this and it always confused me, since I am so ridiculously happy 99% of the time. I’ve slowly started to realize that I shouldn’t be concerned because when people say this, it’s a reflection of how these people are in a reaction to my sense of humour. I have a dark, dry, yet witty British sense of humour. In a world where everybody has gone ”PC” mad it’s ironic that everyone will have a giggle at the extremely dark jokes on family guy & South park (Cartoons.. but still) but when a person says it (in person or online) suddenly they’re ever so offended and I must be a terribly evil miserable person for ever saying such things. They couldn’t possibly be just.. jokes could they? Of course not! This girl must be miserable, she must be serious in everything she says and posts online. *Makes joke about home country, people she knows, politics or religion* She must hate everything and be depressed constantly, lets get offended and be angry! People who truly know me, know that I am not just someone who paints pretty pictures. I am a clown. The only way I know how to interact with people or ”get them” to like me is by cracking jokes and trying to be entertaining. Thats the way it has always been since I was a very little girl. 50% of people will enjoy it, laugh and understand, the other 50% will either not understand, not think it’s funny (which is okay!) or be completely bewildered and offended and will take every word I say seriously like I’m preaching fact. To these people I say this. Oh lighten up. Stop taking everything so seriously. Most of all. Drop your self centered ego and stop assuming that If I make fun of something that I must be making fun of you or something to do with you. I am not. If I make a joke about religion, It doesn’t mean its particularly about you who follows that religion. If I make a joke about politics, It doesn’t mean it’s particularly about you who supports that side. If I make a joke about YouTubers, It doesn’t mean it’s particularly about you who happens to make videos. If I make a bloody joke about any situation that makes fun of a person doing anything at all and you so happen to of been in that situation… Just stop. Take three seconds. Think to yourself ”Hey, this isn’t about me, it isn’t aimed at me. Lets just smile and move on with my life” Besides “A Day without laughter, is a day wasted” a great man once said.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 14:08:41 +0000

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