You are so young; you stand before beginnings. I would like to beg - TopicsExpress


You are so young; you stand before beginnings. I would like to beg of you, dear friend, as well as I can, to remain patient with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answers, some distant day. Perhaps you are carrying within yourself the potential to visualize, to design, and to create for yourself an utterly satisfying, joyful, and pure lifestyle. Discipline yourself to attain it, but accept that which comes to you with deep trust, and as long as it comes from your own will, from your own inner need, accept it, and do not hate anything. -Rilke. Letters to a Young Poet.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:05:35 +0000

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