"You are surrounded by the brain damaged masses!! These people - TopicsExpress


"You are surrounded by the brain damaged masses!! These people are everywhere around you, sitting on your local city council, taking your order at the restaurant, shuffling paperwork at the local insurance business office, pouring the concrete slab for your next house, and even diagnosing your health symptoms at the local clinic. They are the society you see around you, and they are the reason that society is crumbling. They are victims, of course… victims of the deadly “scientific” dogma of chemicals, GMOs, quack medicines and toxic vaccines. The damage, however, is now so widespread and so complete that society will never recover. From here, it’s all downhill with the lobotomized masses until society hits bottom and a massive die-off ensues One day, rationality and intelligence will once again be valued as attributed to admire and encourage in our youth. When that day comes, you will be witnessing the rebirth of a civilization that rises from the ashes of our present-day “brain damaged” society. Historians will consider the era from 2000 – 2020 to be the most bizarre in human history, of course, where broken neurology led to broken societies… and ultimately to global collapse that caused the mass die-off. The lesson in all this? When food is no longer nutritive, and instead becomes a carrier for poison, society cannot survive. If you want to fix society, you have to fix the food first." Read full article here: infowars/societys-insanity-plea-the-real-cause-behind-global-mass-poisoning-and-the-downfall-of-modern-civilization/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:53:50 +0000

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