You are the Salt - Series 02 Saint Mark 9: 50 50. Salt is - TopicsExpress


You are the Salt - Series 02 Saint Mark 9: 50 50. Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace on with another. Saint Mark said same words of Lord Jesus Christ for human in the Gospel of Mark with more explanation and reference. To have salt in you is good. It means peace with one another that peace which world did not give you but God. Salt has quality to save things which would be spoiled tomorrow, if they are not salted. There are so many examples scientifically to preserve thing with salt. Without salt, so many things would be spoiled in future with heat or cold of weather. Salt is good to digest. Why salt is compulsory to have in us. There are many other uses for salt around the home, as well. Salt is an excellent cleaning agent or in combination with other substances. A solution of salt restores the whiteness to yellow. A paste of salt cleans tarnished brass or copper. A strong brine poured down the kitchen sink prevents grease from collecting and eliminates odors. Salt helps destroy moths and drives away ants. A dash of salt in laundry starch keeps the iron from sticking and gives linen and fine cottons a glossy, like-new finish. A thin paste of salt and salad oil removes white marks caused by hot dishes or water from wooden tables. It makes an excellent mouthwash, throat gargle or eye-wash; it is an effective dentifrice; it is an effective antiseptic; and it can be extremely helpful as a massage element to improve skin complexion. Besides making food delicious, there are more than 34,000 uses for salt, and our grandmothers were probably familiar with most of them. A number of these uses were for simple things around the home before the advent of modern chemicals and cleaners. Many of these salt uses are still valid today and can be much cheaper and more environmentally-friendly than more sophisticated products that running in market. In the context of verse 50 of chapter 9th the Gospel of St. Mark depicts eternal picture about eternal hell fire without keeping salt of Christ in human. I read context from verse 48. “Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched” Saint Mark explains what kind of worm dieth not and what kind of fire is not quenched in human to leave him eternal hell fire. It vividly depicts scene of Kingdom of God and eternal hell fire. I read context from 45 of chapter 9th “And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched:” In the context, for more comprehensive understanding about saltiness of Christ to believe in HIM that they will be rewarded by Heavenly God Father, creator of universe. Read from verse 42 “ And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea”. It clearly explains God’s justice for a human who follows their lust, desires, schemes, darkness of their heart and minds through flesh nature in this world. These are words of God that are written by prophets and saints to bring human on right path. His Holy Words depicts all of us eternal reward of God for good and evil. Carnal minds think that now they will have to cut hands, feet, ear, eyes to enter into Kingdom of God, It is better of sinner, But they don’t know this world is temporary land to give test to God. Eternal paradise and eternal hell fire is after this temporary life of 70 or 90 if anyone have power of life then above 100. All human went to graveyard to buried dead, all see their last resting place even they know that their soul will be handed over to God and in eternal hell fire. Man of God’s Moses prayer explains in Psalms 90: 9 - 10 about ages of human. “For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. 10 The days of our years are three score years and ten ; if by reason of strength they be for score years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is cut off we fly away. His Holy words are divine; there is no exception of any one who satisfies themselves that they are in grace period as New Covenant believer, now they will have not face hard teaching of Moses. They just satisfy their aching ears. Even they did not understand blessed saying of Lord Jesus Christ that I did not come to condemn law but fulfill. For those thought of human and man made ideologies who wants that God should write Holy Bible according to their desires and mind to give them relaxation. But they don’t remind and remain in His Holy Words for their own human ideas, worldly enjoyment that had made business to the darkness? Otherwise God will not bring us in this modern age by bestowing human wisdom through teaching Prophets, man of God and saints. Otherwise human had been in cave, forest and wild nature of wolves. God sent 144,000 His beloved to tell truth, when human rejected all teaching and prophesies. Then God become human through the Holy Spirit named Lord Jesus Christ to give us example of good and perfect human. It is truth. No doubt, Sin is in nature of Human. But God sent His only begotten Son “Jesus Christ” to set example of good human to keep salt and be light of world to shine darkness. --------------- Heavenly Father God Almighty, the most high God, You know everything about human nature who deal with his neighboring fellow human being in the friendly atmosphere to complicate your good ways into evil ways where devil had come to steal and destroy humanity into eternal hell fire through of traps of harlot who spoils families and new generations. Oh merciful Lord so many generation had been destroyed in their man made ideologies. Oh merciful Lord save me and my children and generation into your holy promises as I have faith to restore me into your eternal of salvation for eternal life as I am walking by faith in You Lord. I ask with faith in mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen With Humble heart Your brother FS Bhatti
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:43:50 +0000

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