You are the most pathetic, low life, lazy, selfish, good for - TopicsExpress


You are the most pathetic, low life, lazy, selfish, good for nothing, mooching off everyone, even girls, sorry as fu** bum. You have nothing going for you and never will because you dont even try. All you do is sit around and expect everyone to do for you and when we finally say something and that you need to start helping you complain like a baby and the money you do get you spend on things you dont need and then bum some more and expect all of us to put a roof over your head, feed you, let you smoke all of our cigs, and drink all of our drinks and you dont help out one bit. You dont even clean up after yourself and make nothing but messes. Ive supported you for a week now and spent so much money its unreal and Im done. I tried to be nice and simply ask for a little help so I dont have to spend every dime I have because your to lazy to get up and make some money, and when you do, you still dont help. You blow your money and expect us to continue spending our last dime on you. Your selfish and the sorriest person I know. Im done being nice and giving and getting nothing and no help in return. So from now on you can go without or stop waisting your money on things you dont need. Im completely done with you and fed up. Everyone else is too they are just to nice to say anything, but you are about to have a rude awakening because theres only so much more their going to take before they stop too. Your about to find yourself with no one and living on the streets if you dont stop being selfish and dont start spending your money on things you need instead of want, because we are all tired of spending all of our money and you just blowing yours. Learn your priorities. The only person I am going to be worried about from now on is Ashlee Crews. Shes all I should of worried about from the beginning seems how she has done just as much for me and spent just as much money on me in the 7 years we have been friends. Ill be dammed if she goes without because I have to spend another dime on you. Grow up you good for nothing bum. You have made me be a person I dont like being. I enjoy being nice and spending money on others and helping people out when they need it. I dont like being like this, but youve officially pushed me too far. You used and abused and Im done being taken advantage of because I have a kind heart. You took my kindness for weakness and now your being cut off. Only other people I dont mind helping is Larry M Perkins and Renee Mizzgogetta Humphrey. You both hardly ask for anything and when you do you make a point to get me right back. You know exactly who you are so Im going to save you the embarrassment of putting you on blast and letting everyone know you are good for nothing and bum off girls everyday all day and are nothing but lazy and selfish. You are far from a man.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:23:16 +0000

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