You ask why the need for Drones, Body-bags and Armored Vehicles? - TopicsExpress


You ask why the need for Drones, Body-bags and Armored Vehicles? Remember Sat saying that they need 5 more years to complete their plan? Read the following…All FACT! Lengthy…but worth it! UNC Cabal Racist Agenda The agenda of the cabal in the UNC and its previous incarnations regarding racial superiority and the take-over of this country is one which dates way back in the history of Trinidad and Tobago. One important thing to note is that the Cabal does not represent all Indians in this country because many have been marginalized and victimized since May 2010….many who had been previously employed at State Enterprises and who had contracts under the PNM, those who see this country as their home and their neighbours as fellowmen regardless of the colour of their skins and the texture of their hair. However, racist tendencies and expressions on political platforms are not new to this country and is only a reflection of the narrow-mindedness of a group of people who never saw themselves as Trinbagonians but rather as Indians first, regardless of the geography and circumstances of their birth. While this may seem acceptable according to democratic principles and the right of each individual under the constitution to religious view and association there is one thing that must be taken into consideration and that is the impact of one’s liberty on that of another. In short, one person’s belief must not pose any danger to the welfare of another and in the same context create national insecurity. The previous incarnations of the UNC and the culture of exclusivity and racial intolerance practiced by their predecessors must be highlighted today in order for us to understand the predicament in which we have found ourselves as a nation with the UNC at the head and gross irregularities against all non-UNC supporters in motion ie. The firing of citizens, neglect of African areas and children’s education, decentralization, marginalization in social services delivery and illegal immigration to supplement the spread of Indian nationalism are some of the vindictive and divisive practices engineered and encouraged against honest law-abiding persons within our country. As we proceed further it is up to you to connect the dots using the progression through time and the events which have led us to this point. To prove that the UNC cabal has a racist agenda supported by religious extremists…….. I will refer to history and fact! General History of the Caribbean volume 5, The Caribbean in the Twentieth Century speaks to Caribbean social history and is a compilation of fact and research from Caribbean, European and Latin American scholars including renowned names as: Professor Anthony T Bryan, Patrick Bryan, Carl Campbell, Roberto Cassa, Alice Colon, Claus Fuulberg-Stolberg, Rex Nettleford, James Millette, Tony Martin, Rhoda Reddock, Franklin Knight to name a few. Nineteen scholars contributed to this volume which was edited by Bridget Brereton former head of the History Department at the UWI and was published by UNESCO-United Nations Education, Scientific & Cultural Organization. This volume is such a great and priceless item yet is not sold or discussed in any of our Universities and bookstores throughout the country; I wonder why? On page # 256 the topic of Indian consciousness is examined and begins with an excerpt from a speech by F.E.M. Hosein in 1913: “If the East Indian showed that progressive increase in number which they had shown up to now, and taking into account their natural productivity, it was no mere hyperbolical statement that Indians would people the colony and drive out the rest of the inhabitants. The African was not as productive as the East Indian and if circumstances did not compel him to leave the colony, he would naturally die out. Such a thing had taken place in Mauritius. And Trinidad would be maintained and owned by the Indian in the field, the office and the shop.” *F.E.M. Hosein was the leading Trinidad Indian Intellectual of his day being a graduate of Canadian Mission Schools, QRC, Oxford University and Lincoln’s Inn. It is important to note that his statements were made in 1913. Questions beg to ask: 1. That “progressive increase in number”…was this to be used to support the effort of Proportional Representation where one group would have control of the country and its resources through numbers (in voting)? 2. That “ If circumstances did not compel him to leave the colony, he would naturally die out” statement…what were the “circumstances” spoken off here? Were these circumstances to arise naturally or had they been pre-planned through a racist and divisive/evil agenda by one race against another? And what sort of “compelling” circumstances are we looking at here? Is it that Africans would not be allowed to support themselves through their right to secure jobs and loans for businesses and property? Is it that Africans were/are to be frustrated out of places of employment through firing and untenable working conditions? Is it through victimization and marginalization… forcing migration? 3. “The African was not productive as the East Indian”…weren’t these statements echoed by the Trinidad and Tobago ambassador to the United States post 2010,when he stated quite boldly that “East Indians are the most progressive persons in the country? Was that required from an ambassador of a Multi-Cultural society? History states: *A half million Indian laborers were introduced into the Caribbean between 1838 and 1917. Africans were forced to help finance Indian immigration through general taxes. In Jamaica additionally, African emigrants to Panama and elsewhere had to pay a “departure tax” which went towards financing Indian immigration. *The British in 1897 urged increased Indian immigration not only as a means of procuring labor but so that none of the lands in the Caribbean should belong to Africans. F.E.M. Hosein also predicted the demise of the African population and the ultimate control of the country by Indians. The Indian masses often harbored feelings of racial superiority towards Africans because of their belief in the caste system and kept their daughters at home sacrificing their education instead of allowing them to attend public schools with African children. This took place in Jamaica and Trinidad. To this day the divide which has been preached and justified within some Indian communities is evident through the actions of Indians wherever they work in an environment that is racially integrated as they tend to be cliquish and group among themselves. This type of behavior is as a result of decades of divisive indoctrination. Some Indo-Trinidadian Intellectuals were among the critics of the communalization of Trinidad Indian Politics and noted that it was a pity that the DLP focused on the politics of race and not on issues that would ensure national development. On the PDP/DLP continuum of the 1950’s and 1960’s they observed: The link between the Maha Sabha and the politicians ensured a preoccupation with the cultural concerns of one racial grouping and discouraged the mass of east Indians from looking critically at the society and their leaders. A leader was judged by his ability to erect temples or chant Hindi. His ability to discuss the problems of an emergent country was hardly even considered. It is also not surprising that the COP has always supported the every action of the UNC, creating facades as being indifferent at times but in reality, truly being deceitful to their followers and the rest of the country… They have just been doing what was required of them at the expense of thousands who joined the party in the hope of being a part of “new politics”, unwittingly….supporting the old and obscene… The COP is the bastard-child of the UNC. The Prime Minister said to Jack Warner that he was a “Johnny-come-lately” because the Cabal agenda was always bigger than he was….it survived and thrived through decades. Indo-Trinidad nationalist, H.P. Singh pointed out in 1965 that Hinduism recognized four main castes. “ Outside the pale was a fifth class, the Panchamas,…the “ untouchables, the unapproachable and the un-lookables.” Below these outcasts came the rest of humankind ( in this context, Africans specifically). Any advocacy of Indian-African miscegenation would be “ asking Indians to violate their sacred laws.” ( The Dalits or Untouchables of India on the other hand, have in recent years reached-out to African Americans for support in their struggle against Upper Caste Hindu Oppression.) Africans were likened to Ravan the demon god and the source of all hate in Ramdilla “celebrations” which leads to the festival of Divali ( some research should be done to verify if indeed so-called “ravan” had not been an African teacher and intellectual sent to the Indus valley to teach Hindus and while being there caught the eye of a princess who fell in love with him, it is alleged that he was murdered and the celebration of his death takes place every year with his burning) Light over darkness? Even the word “dugla or doughla” is a Hindi derogatory word meaning “Bastard”! This speaks to the type of thinking toward racial integration of Afro-Indo Trinidadians by Indian nationalists/extremists of the past/present. During the election campaign in Guyana in 1964, Peoples Progressive Party candidate Brindley H Benn is said to have urged Indians to “sharpen your cutlasses”. In Trinidad, DLP leader Rudrinath Capildeo in 1961 told an election campaign audience estimated at up to 35,000 people, ‘I am asking you to arm yourselves with a weapon in order to take over this country”. The government of Eric Williams later declared a state of emergency in DLP strongholds. The infamous “recalcitrant and hostile minority” statement used so frequently by ignorant and vindictive persons to justify their racism did not in fact address all Indians in the country but rather the group of extremists who always had a wicked agenda that was and is counter-productive to national development…one that could only lead to instability and civil war. The PNM was never a narrowly communal party in the manner of the PDP and the DLP. It aspired to be a genuine national party which reflected its multi-racial society. In the prospect of a PNM rule, the more extreme elements of Indian nationalism clung to the narrow-minded and prejudicial fears of their forefathers who had consistently sought to promote division in the form of communalism since the early 1900’s. H.P. Singh in 1956 said: “A vote for the PNM is a vote against the Indian community” describing the PNM as a racist black fascist neo-colonial party. Singh was an executive member of the DLP. The PDP/DLP group underwent various name changes in later years and finally in 1991 wore another mask in the image of the UNC. The echoes of H.P. Singh were clearly heard in 2013 on the UNC political platforms during the Chaguanas West bye- election, The Local Government elections, The St. Joseph bye-election but strangely not in the Tobago election and this had everything to do with their appeal to race and tribal voting/support. “A vote for the PNM is a vote for oppression…come back home.” The historic quest for Indian communalism had sometimes led especially in recent years to extremist demands for partition or secession. In the 1950’s there were calls and rumors of calls for a Guyana –Trinidad unification, presumably to constitute “an East Indian Empire.” Similar sentiments were said to have been expressed in the 1940’s. Trinidad’s Indian Association in it’s 1962 pre-independence memorandum to the British government demanded parity ( defined as 50% of civil service, police, legislative and other appointments) or “partition.” This same ideal/call was echoed by the head of the Police Service Commission in the person of Mr. Nizam Mohammed, a statement which caused public outcry especially among those of us citizens who have always foolishly believed that all of us were one family over the years. The evidence presented proves differently as we come to realize that there are those within our society who never saw themselves as Trinidad and Tobagonians and therefore have never included the rest of us in “their” reconstituted version of national development, promoting decentralization and marginalization…. And here again we see their effort to promote Proportional Representation. In the 1980’s some Indo-Trinidadians sought entry into Canada as “refugees” from alleged political persecution in Trinidad. Such “refugees” may have been among those who constituted themselves as the “Indesh Freedom Party” in 1990….all this taking place while the rest of the country enjoyed Carnival, Christmas, Eid and Divali annually, without the thought that there were those undermining the very image and vision of our nation. Who were these individuals? Are any of them in the present PDP-DLP-UNC government? Who has been practicing discrimination and division other than the UNC? A coalition of Trinidad-based Indian groups countered with the more grandiose proposal of a federated homeland of Bharatiyadesh/Industan, comprising Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname. Its 1991 “Declaration on the question of the Creation in the Americas of an Indian Homeland” announced that “It is only with the creation of Bharatiyadesh/Industan can the Indian spirit realize its full potential. This vision is latent in the very being of every Indian, it has been a persistent and strong desire, a longing, a dream-a vision awaiting realization.” Indo-Caribbean nationalism has also been characterized by persistent undertones of threatened violence. H.P. Singh saw violence as inevitable where two people existed in the same space. His disciples in 1993 saw violence as a viable option for attainment of an Indian Homeland. They said that if peaceful constitutional means were not effective Indians would not hesitate to use militant means for ultimate freedom. Again the question needs to be asked, “who are these disciples and are they in the present government of Trinidad and Tobago?” Persons claiming that Indians had been marginalized and discriminated against in this country are being deceptive! Any government practicing oppression or discrimination against any group or people do not allow the oppressed to access free education, health care, food in schools, loans for land and farming, freedom of expression and movement and the list goes on and on. They would not have been allowed to own 80% of businesses and so much real estate. Surely the claims of the UNC regarding racism being practiced and promoted by the PNM must be ludicrous and obscene. When I hear cries of racism I see the “victims” as a bunch of hypocrites and liars crying wolf while eating the chickens, a wicked group that would do everything possible to justify their evil agenda. The need to examine our nation’s history and the players which constitute it is necessary for us as a people to move forward, not in a state of ignorance but purpose, a purpose void of the backward thinking which have and continue to separate peoples across the globe causing division and bloodshed through the indoctrination of ethnic and religious intolerance. We cannot become first-world people with third-world minds and the blind and narrow-minded visionaries who belonged to any particular racial or religious group must be put to rest, they and their limited way of thinking. We must expose the teachings and backward beliefs of a few demented characters from the past/present if we are ever to truly speak of multiculturalism and national unity, claims which the Prime Minister and her cabinet so hypocritically identify themselves with when they speak of national development. In Trinidad and Tobago we have an opportunity to be an example to the rest of the world by practicing racial tolerance. No one is going to be “forced-out” of our country and no damn conditions will be tolerated that would further this unconscionable nightmare! Why must persons suffer being forced out because of the color of their skin and religious preference? We belong to this country, all of us have the right to the wealth of this land which must provide jobs and goods and services to all. This is what Kamla promised everyone prior May 2010! • If the past Mayor of the City of Port of Spain is indeed correct, state funds are not being distributed to PNM areas. • Why aren’t schools in “PNM” areas not opened on time while Gopeesingh boasted of 97% pass mark in the South Western Peninsula? This year he deceitfully wishes all students of the SEA good luck ….void of conscience…when children become victimized then we are sure that there are monsters among us. • What is the number of houses and land lots being given-away and to whom? • Why were the Mega Farms closed after May 2010 and the job to feed nationals given to Guyana and what are the terms and conditions? • Why has illegal immigration quadrupled since May 2010? • How many new persons have become citizens of this country since May 2010 and from where did they arrive? • Whom does the Police Service, Judiciary & President serve…Law & Order or the UNC? With these concerns regarding true national development and the welfare of the rest of the country that are not UNC “followers” the Kamla Persad Bissessar government in its present incarnation must never be allowed to “govern” this country in the future and should call for a fresh mandate now, but that would not serve their interest/ agenda. Two things will occur within the next year in so-called PNM areas: 1. Monies would be spent for the first time on the east-west corridor and in areas neglected over the past four years with the intention to deceive and mislead struggling and marginalized persons to vote for the government, if indeed persons sell their souls becoming a dollar greedy and a thousand foolish; accepting crumbs, then they and their generations are doomed to suffer eventually under a UNC regime…six more years will see the total marginalization of not only areas, but persons…nationally. 2. Lies and more lies! It is said that if they keep telling lies over and over again that at some point persons would believe them. Most of their claims to National Development had nothing or very little to do with them in the first place. If by some demonic miracle the UNC wins the next general election, their term would be used to further marginalize and discriminate, an agenda that has never changed even though the incarnations/ names and masks have…PDP-DLP-UNC ….. In 1913, exactly 100 years ago, F.E.M. Hosein predicted: “If the East Indian showed that progressive increase in number which they had shown up to now, and taking into account their natural productivity, it was no mere hyperbolical statement that Indians would people the colony and drive out the rest of the inhabitants. The African was not as productive as the East Indian and if circumstances did not compel him to leave the colony, he would naturally die out. Such a thing had taken place in Mauritius. And Trinidad would be maintained and owned by the Indian in the field, the office and the shop.” *Something to note: The Cabal does not speak for all Indians in this country! I know for sure that there has been marginalization against all Indians who have stood against the racist and greedy agenda of the Cabal. It is because of this that citizens must be enlightened for clearly a great number of the people of this country have been living in a fool’s paradise thinking that we had been one nation and family since 1962. All citizens must be aware that oppressive governments have used murder to intimidate, setting-up scenarios to appear as robberies in the carrying- out of assassinations on progressives and journalists. Historically though, oppressive regimes have all fallen. The UNC government while continuing its divisive agenda must consider the cost attached, and sacrifices that many persons who came from India have made to become successful and the freedoms, creativity and joy that we all bring to the table. This is our land! Bernard Yawching
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:10:16 +0000

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