You better not scroll past this...Keep reading...I know this is - TopicsExpress


You better not scroll past this...Keep reading...I know this is going to be a long message and you would prefer to find something a little more interesting to Watch or Read but I have something I want to tell you. I know that you do not see me...I know you do not hear me...But you can treat this message as if I am right next to you in person. The world is changing and the way we communicate. I know that you are not where you wish you could be. I know that you think about when the time is going to come where your life changes....Your financial situation gets better...Your relationship gets better. Well the truth is...Nothing will get better until you change the way you view your life and everything around you. We are made out of Energy if you have ever wondered why sometimes you Think about someone and they call you Or you think about someone and you see them. What I want to tell you is that you create the life you live by the thoughts you have. You see...Whatever you think becomes reality...Now I am not saying that you can Think your way through life but you most certainly can Think your way out of every situation. On a daily basis you are constantly thinking about tomorrow and yesterday which is taking away from the thoughts you could be having for TODAY. We do not know when we are going to die...We do not know when our family is going to die....We do not know when your neighbor may die....We see things that happen everyday around us...Someone dies every second...You do not feel it or see it because they are not in your circle of influence. Your friends and family are the ones that are in your life...So if one of them passed away you would be devastated...Your world would change...Your life will change..The way you think would change...You would wish you had one more SECOND to say I LOVE YOU....Because the day you lose someone you love due to death is the day you will realize life is all about the love you receive from the people you have. We live and survive from LOVE...If you want more love in your life....Well you need to give more love. You need to wave at your neighbor and love your family. You need to take the minute to call everyone in your circle....This is the first time ever in history that you can instantly connect with anyone on the planet. There should be no excuses to why we dont spend more time and love with our family and friends but life consumes us...Our careers take over our life...Our relationships consume us...The news consumes you...The world consumes you...What your friends or family did last week is all you talk about...The complaining and whining constantly about your life has to stop. You were chosen to live today and many people died today...You dont see it or feel it but they are suffering and YOU need to be the light and happiness in their day. Sometimes a simple Hello how are you can change someones day..Why? because you are showing them they matter...So many people are alone...So many people feel disconnected... Thats because we judge our self-worth on Net-Worth and Likes and Followers and Status. You should be concerned with your future Yes but you should be very concentrated on what you have right now. Who do you have in your life? Who can you call and say I love you too Why? Because like I just stated...There is going to be a day that they will never exist ever again..Just a memory. I know we like to plan for the future and think about all we are going to accomplish..but you are very successful right now. You may not have all you want to accumulate in life but you have a LIFE. When you are dying...Nothing matters besides who you love. Nothing matters besides Breathing you are not worried about money or anything else on the planet. We feel as if we are going to live for a very long time and indeed I hope you DO! But we cant control what happens to you. So many people woke up today with plans....Plans to accomplish their goals and activities. SO many people woke up today thinking they will see their family and love ones....So many people woke up today thinking about next year...and guess what...They are not hear anymore. They are DEAD. They are gone... They dont exist physically anymore. They didnt plan to die..They didnt expect to crash..They didnt expect to have a Heart-Attack they didnt expect to crash on the motorcycle...vehicle...air-plane. They had dreams and goals just like you...They are just like you...That is the thing...We feel like we are so much different and No one understands us but yet we are so similar....You want love and happiness...SO does the entire world. So if you spread it...You will receive it...There may not be any love in your Circle it may be full of negativity but you need to be the change your family and friends need. If no one is getting up and making a change...YOU take charge and create the change for everyone. People often say...You cant change others I do not believe that. I believe we can change others...I believe we can create a bridge for everyone to happy. All we need to do is change what we focus on for :Happiness: Do you ever wonder why when you buy something new it does not keep you happy forever? Why? Because it does not breath...It does not have emotions and feelings...It does not have a Heart beat...It is not alive....You cant depend your happiness on something that does not LIVE. Well that is enough for now...I hope you truly recognize that you are important....The world is a PUZZLE and you are 1 piece....You need to spread the love and joy to the other people in your life. We live to serve others... We live to praise others...We live to love others....Why? Because in return they will serve you... PRAISE YOU and LOVE YOU! Treat the world how you want to be treated.....Treat strangers the way you want to be treated...Treat everything on this planet with kindness and so you shall receive it in return. People will get on your nerves..People will try to destroy your happiness....STAY STRONG!!!! You must stay happy and positive.....Over a period of time they will recognize you do not mean any harm....Over a period of time they will smile with you and not AT You. Thanks for reading and sharing.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:30:55 +0000

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