You can ask.... The best scientific evidence shows that within a - TopicsExpress


You can ask.... The best scientific evidence shows that within a 5 to 10 years the last viable population of Africas wild elephants ( and Rhinos) will be slaughtered by poachers feeding the insatiable demand by 1.2 Billion Asians. Maybe then all the lovely politically correct multi cultural NGOs and charities will admit that something a tad more forceful was required. Do you honestly think Apartheid would have been given up by the vicious south African government if the world had just said Please stop? ....The only reason the sick and corrupt white government folded was due to the crippling economic sanctions applied by a European and American united front. Guys, understand this and dont be afraid.... The fastest growing political party in the UK and Europe, is the UK independence party...They state openly in their manifesto they appose a multi cultural society for the UK! It is not racist or evil, its honestly speaking the truth, the majority of English speaking UK citizens DO NOT WANT the UK converted by immigration into a Muslim, Eastern European, Asian or any other culture. The UK has an astonishing & beautiful cultural heritage of our own. Broadly based on English speaking democratic Christian values. The other cultures dont give a damn about us and our culture, and this in the UK! They laugh in our faces when we ask them please dont slaughter elephants, Rhinos, Dolphins, Whales primates, lions all life on Earth that they want to eat, wear or decorate their homes with.... Their culture embraces bear beating, bear gall farming, tiger and lion farming, hideous zoo conditions, intensive farming that is illegal in the UK, Palm oil production via clear cutting pristine forests, dam building that kills entire ecosystems, industrial factory fishing on a scale that is so far beyond sustainability it can not be measured....The list is endless.... The facts are you are dealing with several Billion people who dont give a dam ( excuse the pun!) about anyone bar themselves.... Hit them in the one place they will hurt....the bank. Close down their economies with economic, social, political and travel sanctions. Only when they implode the planet will have a chance for survival.... This is my plea, not just on behalf of the beautiful and innocent creatures with no voice, but also for the rest of mankind as we all need a healthy planet. Thanks for reading.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:04:47 +0000

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