[You can disagree with me, but dont unfriend me ;) ] When one - TopicsExpress


[You can disagree with me, but dont unfriend me ;) ] When one does not believe that freedom and rights of human are inherent, but are something that are conferred upon you, there is nothing more to talk about. Perhaps these people are best described as lackeys (奴才) who are willing to submit to the central authority no matter the cost, even if it costs your freedom, and where your rights are oppressed. The reason may be that they linger upon an identity, which is that of being a part of a cultured race with a proud and long-standing history, also a history of submission to the Heavenly son (or better known as the Emperor). A common phrase would be like this: If you love your country, do anything it tells you to do and do not change anything that cannot be changed. Bullocks. How can tradition be a reason of anything? Just because our race had long been submitting to authorities, so we must then continue to do so? And why cant authority be challenged if they are corrupted and have wronged others? People do not take into consideration that human is a breed that is extremely selfish, and with power, it comes greater selfishness. Human, including me, cannot be trusted because we are always subjected to the temptations of lust, power and money. Therefore we need a system that constrains the short-comings of human or even prevent evil deeds from human, and to hold the wrongdoer accountable, in order to provide for a fair and truly free society which maximizes the welfare of the greater population. Only a sound system would make a country strong, prosperous and healthy. A corrupted system would make a country go insane. Hence the notion of separation of powers is widely embraced. But, as stated, lackeys would not consider the aforesaid points. All they care about is to remain in their comfort zone of having a delusional stability, submitting to authority (in which it allows them to obtain monetary gains) and depending on the authority to do all the decision making without questioning. And if anyone discomforts them, they will immediately be labelled as insurgents. Man is not free unless government is limited - Ronald Reagan
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 05:02:11 +0000

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