You can feel depression. Not only is it obvious, but its - TopicsExpress


You can feel depression. Not only is it obvious, but its oppressively omni-present. You cant escape it. Stress and anxiety flow a little bit deeper. These emotions are rooted deeper in the soul. They, too, can be detected, but can also lie in your subconscious and remain unrecognized for days or months at a time. An even deeper root? Fear. Lying deep within the soul... it can suddenly force its way to the surface like a volcano, explode and make a mess of things. But many times the roots of fear run so deep they remain unrecognized... many having begun in childhood years. But the deepest root that plunges to the very depths of the human soul? Guilt! Another Biblical word for guilt is condemnation: being under Gods disapproval, disfavor and punishment. THIS... remains mostly unrecognized. Even as you read this, most of you will inwardly think, Not me! Im not condemned. I dont feel guilty about anything. But you know that mood? Its produced by the stress youve been under at work. And that stress? Nope. Not caused by your boss... but by the fear that you arent going to have anything saved for retirement. And that fear? It wasnt caused by your mothers predictions of doom. No. It comes from your uncertainty as to Gods support, blessing and prosperity in your life. And why are you uncertain of Gods favor? Un-addressed guilt. Condemnation is Satans best-kept-secret in your life! Theres a reason why God gives Satan the name Satan. It means Accuser. Its his chief occupation. Its who he is and what he does. And theres a reason why Jesus said This is my blood, given for the forgiveness of sins. He didnt say my blood is given for your prosperity. Or healing. But for...the forgiveness of sins! Forgiveness of sins is THE central blessing of Christs sacrifice. Why? Because condemnation is our central problem. Fully camouflaged and disguised by centuries of Satanic maneuverings in the human mind. Why does Satan not want you to recognize your on-going sense of guilty lying hidden... deep below all of your more apparent struggles? Because he doesnt want you to reach for Gods simple yet powerful remedy for human guilt: The Cross of Christ! He knows that when you do... condemnation is eliminated. And when it goes, guess what? Fear, stress, worry, oppression and depression disappear along with it. And once you become convinced of just how forgiven you really are... all of the other blessings of God begin to flow in and enrich every aspect of your life! Remove condemnation through the Cross and Satan loses all influence in your life! He CANNOT TOUCH a person who truly understands how much God loves them!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 15:33:52 +0000

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