You can make the decision to change your life right now, right - TopicsExpress


You can make the decision to change your life right now, right this minute. All it takes is the strong desire to do so. It doesnt mean everything will change right now in physical form, but the minute you relieve your mind of all your reasons why not, all of your reasons, excuses, and defenses, and use that energy toward putting all your focus, feeling and emotion on what it is you want, doors will open. The difficult part is to deny your current senses, and replace them with the feelings of what it is you truly want. Its not easy to feel healthy when you are not, or feel prosperous when you are not. But, if it is something you truly want, you must go deep within and put yourself in that place with all your feeling. Spend time in that place every single day, feeling those feelings of what it would be like in that place. Imagine you are there, and let it flood your body. Its no longer a distant dream or a wish, it is your current reality! Drop all the reasons why not that beckon to enter your mind, and put all of your emotion to what it is you want. Let those emotions course through your body like you own it right now.Then, go on with your day with that vision, and be mindful of doors opening. They will open in creative ways if you are open to seeing them, but when our focus is on I wish or some day instead of owning it right now, then the doors will remain closed. You must open your mind to the possibilities and feel yourself in that place. But, we give up too easy. If it doesnt happen right away, we give up, or doors do open and we find that we are scared of our own success. We are scared of all we are capable of. We think we want it, but we are so used to where we are, that taking that leap to a new realm can be terrifying. The path to what you want is achievable, but it takes stamina and perseverance. Change those terrified feelings to exhilaration! Tell yourself you arent nervous, you are excited! As you maintain your focus on your goal, over time, you will notice a change in yourself, a change in the reactions of people around you. If you are living in negativity, reaction and why nots you are surrounded by those people and it makes it harder to leave that place. But, once you lift your thinking, its amazing how people come into your life that will help you and support you on your way. And, you will become a person that drops the excuses, blame, jealousy and regret, and turns into a person that encourages and believes in success in yourself and others. You need only the desire and courage to keep your mind in that place, and follow it no matter how curvy or bumpy the road is. Keep on keeping on!!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 10:31:37 +0000

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