You can never get money out of politics. People who believe that - TopicsExpress


You can never get money out of politics. People who believe that it is possible understand neither money nor politics. The welfare state aside, we pay our political leaders hefty sums to take away the burden of responsibility, because we are fickle and incapable of governing ourselves. Politicians, being rewarded for the practice of governing with money, are thus incentivized by money; and it should go without saying that power attracts a certain psychotic element. Being that we have jerks at best or psychopaths at worst, who live and work within a system which inherently relies upon money for reward, it stands to reason that more money will pretty much always be appealing to them. If its enough money, it stands to reason theyd be willing to bend or break the rules. It has happened literally under every compulsory body-politic in history, and making a flashy meme or posting inspirational sounding one-liners isnt going to change it. Some like to demonize money; they claim that money is the cause of our political woes and that clearly we could end corruption by shifting toward a resource-based economy, compulsory socialism (communism) or otherwise implementing some form of currency-free economic system. However, money is merely a tool and is no more capable of causing corruption than a gun is capable of walking out of its case and killing someone. Money has no agenda, no political preference, no intentions whatsoever because (and Im surprised at how many seem to struggle with this) it is an inanimate object. Money is an exchange medium representative of physical wealth. If it wasnt, we wouldnt trade it for groceries and fuel and other real tangible goods. Take away the representation of physical goods, and youre left with JUST the physical goods, the only question will be who gets them, and how much. If you believe that a system which hoards physical assets and decides how and where those assets are to be used is any less corruptible than one which relies upon exchange mediums, youre missing the bigger picture. It is these hierarchal mechanisms which create conditions favorable to corruption and deception. It is PEOPLE who abuse power, and theyll do that with or without a circulating currency. So to those who say, get money out of politics! My answer would be get politics out of money. Doesnt that just make more sense? #anarchy #agorism #apostasy
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 10:59:25 +0000

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