You can now experience a Dolphin Assisted Birth anytime, anywhere. - TopicsExpress


You can now experience a Dolphin Assisted Birth anytime, anywhere. I thought I was crazy four years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, and felt such a strong connection to the dolphins. The connection was so strong I sold the watch my parents had given me 10 years prior so I would have enough money to get up and leave Miami Fl, fly to Hawaii with my 3 year old son, and be with the wild spinner dolphins. It was the most blissful and joyful experience of my life. Now as I reflect on the 3 months I spent in Hawaii, making deep connections with the dolphins, laboring with them in the ocean, and birthing peacefully at home, it was definitely one of my most profound life experiences. Little did I know that I would return to live in Hawaii. After I left Hawaii to go back to Miami Florida, where my children’s father lives, I became depressed and unhappy…and I ignored it. I felt so disconnected from my TRUE lifestyle. I had a little taste of it in Hawaii, and now I was back running a business full time, nursing a newborn full time, and raising a 3 year old full time oh and trying to have a relationship. As I continued to ignore my feelings, I continued to get sicker and sicker. Finally, I had to take myself to the emergency room when Naiya was 17 months. I had exhausted natural healers and medical intuitives and my body was shutting down. I lost all proprioception, my body was constantly vibrating and I had both fecal and urinary incontinence. I could no longer care for my children, my business, or my relationship. After exhaustive testing in Florida, I was discharged with no diagnosis, and now unable to walk or talk. My mother flew out from California to take care of me and my two children. After a steady decline my mom put my daughter and me on a plane to California and my son went to live with his grandparents in Maryland. When my father picked us up at the airport I was wheeled out and ghostly white, I vomited everywhere. He turned pale and in shock, he definitely was not expecting this. I desperately just wanted to go home to their house and sleep. My father looked at me and said, “Kim I’m not going to take my daughter home to die. You have two young children.” This is when he drove me straight to the ER at UCLA Medical Center. I was admitted and stayed for almost a month…again exhaustive testing and no diagnosis. The closest diagnosis was some sort of neuronopathy. After trial treatments of steroids IV, and Plasmapheresis I was discharged with a home nurse, occupational therapist, and physical therapist. I was simply so happy to be going home after many hours of being by myself in the hospital with one hour daily visits with my now 18 month old, who was instantly weaned from nursing and sleeping with strangers (although they are my parents, they had only met a few times). During this alone time, unable to talk and too exhausted to watch TV, I spent many hours meditating, listening to audio books, and guided visualizations. It was during this time I got extreme clarity…YOU ARE NOT LIVING YOUR LIFE. Either die now or start LIVING. It was instant, I knew where my life needed to be, I knew what brought me the most happiness and joy, I knew my passion was to assist pregnant women as I had been doing this for 5 years now, and I knew my heart and soul wanted to be back in Hawaii with the dolphins. As I became more clear, I worked with a Shaman who took me on a journey. During this journey I felt transformation. This happened about a month after I was discharged from the hospital. It was kind of funny because I was at the same developmental level as my daughter. I was relearning how to walk, how to hold my utensils, how to feed myself and all of the other simple daily tasks I took for granted. And during this time, I was conscious that I have this opportunity NOW to reprogram my entire body. Within this month I healed 99%. I felt like a new woman, I was a new woman, an empowered Mom who was going to live her dreams, a mom who was going to show her children dreams do come true. A woman who was going to live her TRUTH and be an example for her children. And this is what I did…With lots of understandable resistance from my children’s father, I left for Hawaii with a suitcase and my daughter, trusting if this Truly is my path my son will arrive shortly…and he did. Less than a month later my son was back with me and enrolled in the Waldorf Charter School. This leap in faith was supported by my parents and dear sisters of mine. I had no money, I actually had thousands of dollars of medical debt, and still do, and I was not going to let that stop me. I did have one asset, my car. This is how I survived for the first year. I was able to sell my car for $10,000…and I knew that had to last, I knew it would last. I was not going to go work to death again, I was going to take the year to reconnect to myself, my children and LIVE life. I arrived to Hawaii using my frequent flyer miles and a lap child ticket on July 23, 2013, 2 weeks shy of Naiya’s second birthday. I stayed with friends the first few weeks until I found a work trade at Whale Song Sanctuary. Here we created a community of Single Moms and Single Pregnant Moms. Here I was extremely close to the dolphins and had many many healing swims. I brought my two children with me often and we all healed, laughed, screamed, and experienced pure joy. Here I felt held, I felt loved, I felt respected and I felt empowered…and this is when I had the least amount of money. It was almost a year and at least a hundred swims with the dolphins, gaining a greater telepathic connection that I was inspired to buy an underwater camera and to start filming. As I stated filming I had no specific purpose, I simply enjoyed watching them and I often filmed my kids with them. As I watched the footage I started to name the dolphins and recognize individual ones in the water. This is when I truly decided to watch their behaviors, to notice the gender, to really get to know them. During this time I started to host pregnant women, offering retreats and birth support because I loved it! After one of the most amazing births I have ever witnessed, an unassisted footling breach birth, I had the most incredible dolphin swim, probably the most amazing dolphins swim I have ever had. This video contains about 10 minutes of that swim. It was during this swim I became more clear, that every woman should have the opportunity to have the dolphin energy present during pregnancy and birth. I have witnessed many births in which prenatal contact was made with the dolphins, and each woman has said the dolphins played a big role in their experience and that they felt the dolphin energy. This dolphin energy is indescribable, yet you can feel it so clearly. So a few weeks later a woman from Scotland visited, her dream for the past 5 years was to swim with the dolphins, and after watching one of my dolphin Facebook videos she contacted me and told me of her dreams and her desires to have a child yet she had not conceived after trying for years. She bought her ticket within days. After a week or so she casually suggested I make a film for all people to connect to, that her dolphin experience was so profound and that others can receive great benefit from the dolphin footage. She specifically had autistic children in mind as she had worked with autistic children for years and she has created documentaries on the children. Of course my first instinct was one for Pregnant Moms. So that was it…I already had hours of footage and it all came together. I am Truly living my dream life in Hawaii, with the wild dolphins, with my children, and I am healthy! And I do not have lots of money. I say this because it does not take lots of money for your dreams to come true. I literally stripped everything from my life, I went to ground zero, and rebuilt my life on my Spiritual Journey, following my greatest Joy and Trusting I will be held throughout the process. As I write this, I feel excited, I feel inspired, I feel grateful, I feel nourished and I know the dolphins have been a huge part of my healing. They are my examples of Trust, Love, Surrender and JOY. Of course there is much more to my story and many many gaps here…so if you ever have questions or would like to know more I am always available to share. Please feel free to email me at consciouspregnancyretreats@gmail or call me at 786-200-8949 I promise Dreams do come True. I witness it daily! Please Enjoy Dolphin Doulas. Allow the dolphins to take you on a journey, allow them to guide you, allow them to heal you. This DVD can be used throughout your pregnancy, in labor and years after. I recommend you to continue playing the DVD for your baby for as long as possible.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 02:35:33 +0000

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