You can read the Bible in any way you want, follow the ideology of - TopicsExpress


You can read the Bible in any way you want, follow the ideology of your choice, do what you want when, how and with who. Its ubsurd we are indoctrinated in societies with no or litle chance of alternate thought or even glimpse of the other side of the stories told. The religion, cult or ideology you are born into, you die into without ever even asking WHY? When in your life time you are presented with alternate evidence beyond reasonable doubt against your core belief, you switch into defensive mode, sadly even when you are just a story carrier. You live in your own limitation. That is called Cognitive Dissonance. We grew up in a society of mixed religions, cults and sects. Very few question them, others are like tables. They ask not till they depart and will do everything in their powers to defend it. But what sets us free is to learn, know and witness the true source of our beliefs, ideologies, cultures and sects. Question their truths and move on with an unquestionable conviction. If you are the kind who band wagons a foreign story without questioning. Repeat after me. IAM A SHEEP!!! Kekek Guys, Jesus has never died! I mean its imposible for God to die! Haa so look up the real meaning and parable within his story and the truth you seek shall surface and set you free. Lest you keep celebrating the death of your God till death do you part in ignorance. Learning is a choice! Indoctrination is some elses choice
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:05:32 +0000

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