You can support, love, encourage, cherish, direct, pray for, - TopicsExpress


You can support, love, encourage, cherish, direct, pray for, invest, help, fund, protect, be comitted to &&& even go someone elses bond... But you can NoT create a sense of change in a person if theY are either not Willing oR not Ready to change themSelves. No matter how well you demonstrate oR strategize. It aint gonna happen Captain. The desire to change ones life has to come boldly, confidently &&& purposely from withiN. period. NOthing will change permanentLy until that foundational moment exists. Believing ANYthing other than that is the ultimate Fantasy; the ultimate Send oFF; the ultimate lQQk left, go right. Coming to terms with that means that you are at least considering Gods will. It means you have thought this case can onLy be solved by God Aaaand the person. It means you recognize the standstill impact on your oWn life in being the project manager of a project you cant manage. It means you realize that your faith is strong ... but displaced. Now whos ChanginG? Funny how your intentionS to Save someone else leads you to Saving yourSelf. Insert first 24 words of this post here. Now concentrate them on YoU. Charity Always, Always starts at home. God is Clever, right?
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:02:38 +0000

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