You cant buy your childs love with materialistic things because - TopicsExpress


You cant buy your childs love with materialistic things because thats what theyll subconsciously associate love with tangible materialistic things! once that culture is engrained its damn near impossible to break the chain ! And when the materialistic things are no longer affordable it seems like neither is the love for it was all out of tangibility and no true lessons of responsibility no values , morals , and truth to identity because the love only known comes with price tags and disposability! The craving of true love is now incomprehensible ,too old to change the past but the future is still not visible cause theres a whole in the heart something is always missing true appreciation for something thats not even the true mission. There needs to be something realer something that can make the heart smile and get rid of the taste of regret so It wont be passed to another child too innocent to know the meaning..... Unfortunately being brought up in the wrong mindset, confused about the life they havent even got to know yet . Love is instinctual but can be changed and rearranged like inception when your taught unconsciously that reconstructs your perception..... So please raise them right so how to love doesnt have to be Taught and the love they will always remember wont be the ones that were bought. #bchanell #rantpoetry #motorfingers #wasntsupposedtobesolong
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 06:16:08 +0000

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