You cant sit with us! You arent pretty enough. You talk - TopicsExpress


You cant sit with us! You arent pretty enough. You talk funny. No one likes you. Go back to where you came from. Youre fat. You have thunder thighs. Why are you hanging out with her anyway. Whos this girl? People who are intimidated by you talk bad about you with hopes that others wont find you so appealing. I have my insecurities and flaws. I suffered from body image issues, anxiety, anger issues, depression and trying to be skinny. I would starve myself because then I would look like the models in the magazines. That led to depression and I ate a ton! Young girls are easily influenced by what society calls beautiful. We are still learning about ourselves and our physical features. Words do hurt and scars reopen. Skinny. You need to be skinny to be liked, to fit in. Thats toxic to a little girl. I remember when I first started working out with P90x, playing volleyball and basketball, I felt alive. I felt strong. I wanted that for so long. I fell off and got lazy. Then I started Crossfit and met my coach, Kristina Lum. She was so motivating and inspiring. I admired her confidence and the way she carried herself. She always had the biggest smile on her face and was driven to help me learn. She was real! I didnt rip her picture out of a magazine. I wanted to inspire others just like her! During that time, I was going through a bad break up and a second chance God had given me. I was so depressed and alone. I didnt want to feel that way anymore so I changed. I picked it up pretty quick. The more I worked out I felt this high Ive never felt before. I felt alive and confident. I chased that high every single day to this day. It changed me. I wanted more out of life. I wanted to be strong, not to be skinny. I wanted to be confident, not depressed. I wanted to smile to receive a smile. At a young age, we are vulnerable. Be an inspiration to these young girls. Be so motivating that they see more in life Not to end it. We need each other to grow. Be a better YOU, not anyone else. Love yourself. This is why I workout. This is why I run. This is why I lift. This is why I want to serve others on their health and fitness journey. It aint easy but all worth the struggles and failures.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:26:49 +0000

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