You could be great! You could be one of the greatest people in - TopicsExpress


You could be great! You could be one of the greatest people in the world! I mean that! Out of the 7 billion people in the world, you could be one of the greatest people, who is walking on the earth right now. I can hear you already. You are saying, But Ken, you dont know who I am. I am just a nobody, from some town. Nobody knows me. I am not a politician, actor/actress, celebrity, or a sports star. Yeah, I know that. But what I said is still true. You can be one of the greatest people that lives on the earth! Heres why. Heres how you can be great. You can choose to love! I mean love everyone you meet. Love everyone you come in contact with each day! Love God, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. You can love your neighbor, as you love yourself! Wherever you live, work or go to school, is the place where God put you. He put you there to love and serve Him. If you do that, you are truly being great. Your world is full of desperate, lonely people. Please go love them. Yes, I know you dont like them all the time, or dont always like what they say or do. But they still need to be loved. Fame is fleeting. Did you think of Elvis, Michael Jackson, or Abraham Lincoln today? I didnt think so. Anyone can be famous or rich, for a short period of time. But what really lasts, both now and for all eternity, is LOVE. Dont spend your life chasing after fame or fortune! Spend it loving and serving God and the people He brings into your life. Thats how to be great, and all that you were created to be. In the Bible, it says in I Corinthians 13:13 - So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. You see, the greatest thing in the world is love. God loved us and sent His Son to die for our sins. God is love. You could be great today and every day of your life, going forward! You could love God and people, in such a powerful way, that you could literally make a big difference in this world. Thats what I am choosing to do. Go be great today! Tell God how much you love Him and show it, by loving and serving everyone He brings across your path. I love you guys and I thank God for all of you! Have a blessed day! Ken Please like us and share our message of hope with the world!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 10:10:00 +0000

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