You decide! After looking back at my life as a christian, I was - TopicsExpress


You decide! After looking back at my life as a christian, I was troubled at how easily I accepted the things taught to me. Im sure there was no bad intentions on the part of the preacher and the Sunday school teacher. The traditions that were taught to them felt good in their hearts and so it did in my heart as well. Even as a young christian, when i did accept all things that was taught to me from the pulpit, I remembered certain passages that when I asked my spiritual leaders at the time, they had no answer at all and some would say that I just need to take it on faith. They made me feel as if i was a bad christian for questioning the things that just simply contradicted what God said or what he was all about. I wanted so hard to believe them, but something inside me could never just accept what I saw as mere contradictions from the NT. I still cannot understand why its wrong to question what you believe and if it is true or not. Just because it is a held belief by the majority does not mean it is true. Heck we learned that in History class. For the longest time the majority opinion was that the world was flat. This was the teaching of the church and anyone who believed differently was either killed or excommunicated for not believing the vigor of christ. We must understand that it was not called the Dark ages because it was dark. Have anyone considered that this was due to a religion that was not based on critical thinking, but a belief system that teaches to accept things just because we say so, (not trying to offend anyones religion)? i.ytimg/vi/e5l3Qh2vl-0/0.jpg Archaeologist have discovered ancient artifacts proving that eastern civilizations knew the world and planets were circular or round, and even Columbus himself went out to prove the Roman Church to be wrong. lately I have been posting things that might seem offensive to those who might hold an emotional belief to an idea based on subjects that have never been tested or searched out in anyway. To most that really dont know me, I may come off as a know it all, but the truth be known that this is by no means my intention to come off as such. To the Muslim who swears that allah is the god of gods and Mohammed is his prophet to bring good news to the world, that they the believers of Islam are the only ones that are right and holds the truth. To a Christian/Catholic/Mormon/Messianicsand whatever else religion that believes that Jesus is the only way to their god; considering against such belief only bounds a person to eternal punishment in Hell fire and brimstone. To my friends and loved ones, what if you are wrong? Have you attempted to verify your beliefs and see if it true based on facts? Can you prove beyond the shadow of the doubt through historical records and in your own books that what has been written is actually what it teaches or says? I did. I decided 5 years ago, that I wanted to know for myself. I wanted my questions answered, I could no longer accept that the world was flat and like Columbus who went out and explored a new place because he just didnt fit in, so to did I. What I have discovered from my own exploration and research is that what I believed traditionally like the world being flat was just not the case. The people that I thought were my friends and as close as family deserted me like the plague. Without any understanding or knowledge of the subjects I have been posting and without verify if it is true or not, they just get emotionally upset and damn me to hell because I disagree. Three things I can say about this journey first, is that I have not deleted any of my friends who think im off my rockers from my facebook friends list and I still love every one of them the same. Second great thing has happened. I have gained the most wonderful family who like myself and Columbus set out to sea and searched for the truth of the matter and to find a new place to call home. Thirdly I have returned to my God and could only say that if not for him, my view of the world would still be flat. If you are like me and have questions and doubts because of undeniable evidence, keep searching, dont fear what people say and sooner or later, you will find what you are looking for. Its good to finally be home and I welcome anyone who cant accept a world that is flat just because it is the majoritys opinion. huffingtonpost/2012/05/22/christopher-columbus-jewish_n_1534928.html In the end
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 00:53:28 +0000

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