You deserve something sentimental simple compliments someone to - TopicsExpress


You deserve something sentimental simple compliments someone to give you confidence someone with common sense through problems you remain one with time well spent less time with arguments. You deserve verbal love as well as physical instead of someone trying to destroy you someone to uplift you wanting to give than receive words with reason someone to listen quick to here slow to speakcreating this bond that is beyond belief in due time giving this peace of mind thats growing together with time only you on his mind.You deserve real love something god has given us a passion something impacting to a life of searching for love in the wrong places seeing many different faces to find whats god given somewhat like a miracle to the joy of life to share something pure a love to share knowing this person in my life really care. You deserve something real when you look in that person eyes you get tears because you know its genuine someone to once again in life make you feel innocent you deserve to be lost without words the feel of butterflies like a kid again with its first toy learning its first word the excitement something to enlighten.You deserve the mind body and soul something to understand as a whole not leaving nothing out love without a cost.Most importantly you deserve to look in the mirror and smile because most importantly you deserve to love yourself...
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 08:16:34 +0000

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