You do not know your Extension of God because as long as your mind - TopicsExpress


You do not know your Extension of God because as long as your mind is split you are deciding against It. But you cannot attack your Extension of God just as it is also impossible for God to attack you because you are God’s Extension. The Law of Creation is that you Love your Extension of God because It is One with you. God’s Extension is perfectly safe, then, being protected by God’s Love. Any part of your mind that does not know this has banished itself from God because it is not willing to know God. This could only have been done by you. You can recognize this gladly because this recognition means that you have not been banished by God and therefore banishment does not exist. You are at Home in God dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awakening to Reality if you so decide. In the world that you perceive what you see in dreams at night you think is real while you are sleeping but the moment that you wake up you realize that everything that happened in the dream did not really happen. You don’t think this is strange even though all the laws of the waking world were violated while you were sleeping. And so it will be when you awaken to God. [When you waken from sleep in the world that you perceive you are merely shifting to another dream of separation from God.] You wouldn’t bother to reconcile what happens in conflicting dreams if you recognized that neither one is Reality. You do not remember being awake in God. When you hear the Holy Spirit you may feel relief because it seems as though Love is possible but you do not remember that once you knew that Love is All that there is. And remembering Love is how you will know that this can be so in your awareness again. Only Love is possible, even though It does not seem to have been accomplished in your perception of a world. Yet Love was once so and is now because It is Eternal. When you remember Love you will remember that It is Eternal and that therefore It is now. You will remember God the moment that you wholly desire God. For you to wholly desire God is for you to extend God and this wills away the separation from you, returning your mind to God and to your own Extension of God. Knowing Both you will not wish to sleep but to be awake in God and happy. Dreams will be impossible because you will want only Truth and Truth will be yours because It is your Will.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:51:22 +0000

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