You do not see the tears or the thanks that is received from ALL - TopicsExpress


You do not see the tears or the thanks that is received from ALL of you working together to make changes in peoples lives, so we wanted to share a few letters with you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE: i was wondering do you help people with food boxes cause i need help its 3 of us here and i have bin sick and cant get to the food bank and i had surgery its bin rough and stressed out. we are a family of 3 people and my daughter is 19 special needs we get 820 a month very hard and i have bin very sick i am on boost every day .i cant afford fruits for my daughter right now i have no meat or almost nothing in my cupboards i am very stressed i try my best some moths are hard and this one is its bad enough at christmas time due to her age no one will help can you help me please i bin threw the worst they found 2 lumps on my breast i had removed not to long ago .and now i have to have another operation for my stomach i was at one time 265 now i am 90 pounds and i am not doing well and my husband had 3 heart attacks so we cant work and i look after my daughter full time she has ataxia and is slow, tonight we had can meat with potatoes. i am not sure whats for supper tonight but i like to thank you for what you are doing i am not used to asking for help if i can get food in my cupboards and fridge till i get money its a big help thank you, my family always try and help people out from doing a little bit of stuff and giving away stuff i don’t need any more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and if you cant help i will say a prayer and thank you anyways. AFTER: thank you so so much for the food so very kind and wonderful of you guys for what you do, once again thank you and you made me feel so at easy god bless you all keep up the good work. People like all you is what makes the world go around in many ways. from being very sad to happy thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so so much. Thank you for coming over and taking the time out to spend with my family we will be saving coupons to help you out i would love to offer my help me and my daughter also the truck is welcome to help you out like we said. Those who help others shale receive it back some way some how i may not be rich or poor but i always give back someway or somehow. Thank you all so much for helping out you have made a world of difference to my family. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE: Hello there i am a mother of 2 boys in need of some help they just started school and my partner just started work but her pay only comes in on the 18th we do not have nearly enough food to do us till then if you can help it would be a blessing please thank you. AFTER: Thank you so much for helping I am getting some bottles together for you and I am now inviting everyone on my friends to like and follow your page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE: Hi there I was told that u could help me out with some groceries and such, I have 2 children I am just so low income I have a hard time with my rent most times my boys are 2 and 5, the food banks are closed this week and I have no $ as I had rent AFTER: Thank you all so much for the help as i no longer have to worry about where my children next meal is coming from --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE: hello I was wondering if there was any food banks open this week who could help a couple out they are living on bread n fries past week till her man gets paid Friday his last pay had pay there rent and she is a diabetic i am concerned for them and looking for way to help them out if u could guide me a place to get help for them till the 4th, she is 40 n her man 41 they strive each pay n is too shamed to ask for help ..they live in Dieppe I could share there cell number but right now they cant call out but can receive incoming calls as they need to pay there bill they are on a limited income.. id probably be shot doing this but I know how it can get hard times for people if I was in a state to help, I would give to them but being single mom with 2 I cant at this time myself. She lives on a insurance and her man works and they strive at times never this hard, seeing them and hearing them eating fries n bread for past week was killing me, I do love them both and worry about her more then anything. I know her health and the life she has has been hard. AFTER: Hello just wanna give u update on **** & **** .. they are over the moon with the help you gave them they called me today and said some stranger helped them but wouldnt tell who called them for help LOL i was like oh i have no clue what you mean and she went on how she did 12 loads laundry today and how she was very happy and knows she has food now till there pay day i was so very pleased to hear how happy she was again from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU ALL for helping my friends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We hope this brought you as much happiness as the people whose lives you have affected.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:19:44 +0000

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