You dont graduate on the liberal ladder by campaigning for - TopicsExpress


You dont graduate on the liberal ladder by campaigning for homeless people or black Americans. Thats yesterdays news you need to work for immigrants or gay rights to advance your personal profile. Its in keeping in touch with current E.U and U.N objectives and philosophy of open borders and whims. Most on the left are primarily interested in self interest. Where did Julia Gillard our hopeless Prime Minister get a job after flooding our country with illegals with over 1200 deaths and then being booted. The U.N. To understand why Democrats and Obama are not enforcing immigration law you need to look beyond just trying to grab more votes. It is motivated by an underlying philosophy taught in liberal universities which is anti-establishment... The incompetence of big government and the potential for anarchy in this left wing philosophy is on display in foreign policy as we can see, and with this flood of illegals coming into America aided by NGOs. This is because big government is flushed with Harvard and other liberal university trained staff that Bloomberg described as from bastions of intolerance ruining public, defence and foreign policy through their unaccountable imaginings and policymaking. This is the most important point. They have an aversion to following the law and due process. Thats how they are educated as a new class of social engineers. They like Obama, think you can put idiots in place as ambassadors at the expense of hard working career diplomats. Hey a change is as good as a holiday right! This is where you see the fusion between a university sector that Bloomberg himself has called a bastion of intolerance to a federal government behemoth which in turn is aligned to the U.N behemoth. All are void of morality and democractic ideals supporting so called progressive vested interests and ideals. This is why religion, tradition and custom is ridiculed and disrespected because it is a challange. Any philosophy that has absolutes not defined by these liberal structures has to go. The end goal is to see the states absorbed to this cancerous tumor one by one just as countries are in the E.U. The American government does this through national healthcare, common core education policy, the EPA and through more regulations revolving around Climate Change Policy. It is a spinning vortex of liberal philosophy which brings all to the centre of a big beauracracy where taxpayers and debt fuel the beast. It is no accident that New York, Geneva and Zurich have the higest concerntrationof millionares 1 in 25 in New York. These places are not just financial hubs but interventionist hubs of liberal philosophy where tax payer dollars support their 6 figure salaries and funding goes to NGOs and interventionist policies for vested interest. foxnews/politics/2014/07/22/nothing-was-done-militia-blamed-for-benghazi-attack-moved-next-door-to-us/
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:07:57 +0000

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