You dont need to be the smartest tool in the shed (as you can see - TopicsExpress


You dont need to be the smartest tool in the shed (as you can see this is what I thought the saying went) You just have to be willing to sharpen your tool (your knowledge, beliefs, values, habits, behaviors etc) so it becomes the sharpest tool in your shed. Look at my grades? C and Ds with the odd B.. A was gym class Look at the fact I failed the literacy test 3 times cause I never read. I was in the learning center most of my life and was told to go back when I was in high school (I opted out lol) I could never sit still long enough to get anything done (still have that issue haha) I never had a dad and it was something I was made fun of in the regular when I was young. Something that I couldnt quite understand till later in life. I could continue to list reasons why I shouldnt have my own business and I should be working a 9-5 but Im not here to tell you that. What Im here to tell you is one of the most important things that no school could ever teach me. What satisfies me in life. Seeing people smile Seeing people grow Seeing people work hard for their goals and dreams and succeeding Seeing myself push the limits of what most people would deem to risky or out of my league and am bound to fail. Seeing what next could be possible with some effort and amazing people on my team. Being able to MOVE and get better at moving and helping other do the same. This rant is more of an internal journal to myself to say to myself that I can do anything I truly believe I can by FOLLOWING what make me happy. Im not saying its owning a business and double its revenue each year, but Im proving to myself that I can do it. Hard for sure, but its possible. Might not look so pretty but its happening. As long a I follow consistently with what I have found I love about life, good things will come. We just have to make sure we constantly stick to what it is that gives us the feeling of satisfaction at the end of each day and repeat that the rest of our lives. Over and out
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 03:15:57 +0000

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