You ever met someone, that leff you saying “man, i thought i was - TopicsExpress


You ever met someone, that leff you saying “man, i thought i was doing something”? Bout a month ago, on my way to my graduation performance, i was transferring trains @ West 4th. Running cross the platform to catch the local, i heard a JazzBand playing, & said “man, they sound awesome”. Within seconds, it began to sound like gospel. I said to myself “man, they polluting the gospel with jazz now. smh”. As i turned my head to give em the stank face, before i stepped on the local train, i looked down at the inscription on the drummers drum. Boldly written in with a silver graffiti pen, was “Jesus Saves NYC”.. I felt like a dog! Especially after realizing, thats the exact same thing people do to me. I always pray, people would pay attention, before judging my music.. I stopped in my tracks & let the doors close. Went back to the band & listened for a while. Wishing i had a dollar or 2 to toss in the bucket, i took 2 CD out my bag & asked the drummer for a card & jumped on the next local. Few days later, i checked out the web site & read up on “Uros Markovich” & his “GospelJUazz Music Ministry”. I was over joyed to see what i found, a faithful musician of the Gospel, that doesnt play venues with liquor, or profanity.. I thought “this guy think jus like me, & is trying to innovate the gospel, jus like me, i gotta go support one of his shows”.. I wrote him an email & found out that he plays every friday @ a The Bowery Mission. Last friday, i texed my wife & told her “i wanna take you on a date, to see a Gospel Jazz Band”. She said “cool”. After picking her up, & telling her, where we were going, she looked at me, with a raised eyebrow. But i didnt pay it any attention. We made our way over to the east side of the city. Approaching the address, i said, “man, i must have the wrong address, cause this look like a homeless shelter”. At which my wife replied, “yeah, its a mission”. I personally have never been to a mission before. She said, one of her friends worked at a mission before. Our Church has 3 missions, but their in Kumasi Ghana. So my wife & i support prayerfully, & financially. Never physically.. So i was like “so why you aint say suppen?”. lol. I walked in & went up to the guy at the desk & told them i was here as a guest of Uros, the drummer. They said the doors werent open yet, but lead us in to meet with Uros & the Band. I was like “man, this is where you play every friday?”. He smiled, nodded, & said “every friday since 2001″. I looked the brother in his eyes, shook his hand, took a seat with my wife, & waited for the doors show to begin. At 6:pm the doors opened & the seats were filled within 5 minuets. Uros & the band, not only played incredible jazz renditions, of gospel. The brother also preached, shared some of his life experience, & the word of God.. Had my spirits on high straight through. At the end of the night, i thanked him for having my wife & myself. I also let him know, what an eye opening event, this was to me. We continued to speak, & i got some of his back story. The brother was one of the most sorted after Jazz drummers, in NYC. After his encounter with Christ, he quit the scene & stepped out in faith. We spoke for like an hour & after hearing everything this brother gave up, not jus money, fame, family, friends, ect.. But some stuff that leff me saying “man, i thought i was doing something”. This brother is playing to the homeless, every friday. He visits the homeless in the underground tunnels, to bring dem food, clothing, & the word of God. He takes care of the cancer stricken, & the sick. This brother even denies himself a wife, so he could be fully dedicated to the Gospel.. Now, i have read, & heard about people with that type of dedication, but actually meeting one, was an extremely humbling experience. It was like meeting a living, breathing, reality check. Im here complaining bout: no one is listening my music, im not getting enough work to survive. My family & friends dont call me anymore. My wife watch too much tv. My kids aint finish reading they Bible yet, & all kinds of nonsense.. When truth is, people do listen my music. Im surviving jus fine. I hear from family, or friends every day. Some family & friends already changed their life. Some began reading their Bible, going to Church, ect.. My wife goes to work 5 days a week, Bible study, Church, & more.. My kids do read they Bible, they do pray, thay are healthy, & doing well in school. None of us are ever hungry, & our needs are always met. Even this week, i wanted to visit Antigua, due to a family emergency, & the 1st person i called gave me more than enough to cover my flight. Then someone i didnt call, put more on it, so i could take my wife.. God dont play when its time to take care of his own. & you never know, where help will come from. 1 of the people, dont believe in God. While the other is dedicated to Christ. Its funny like that sometimes.. Yes i know i shouldnt compare myself to Uros, or anyone else, cause God calls different people to different duties. But man, if nothing else, he got me to shut up, stop complaining, & rejoice in what i have: Salvation, love, family, friends, health, talent, & an opportunity to help others. God knows his plans for me, i jus hope he continue to presents me opportunity to move forward, the wisdom to recognize them, & the ability to grasp then, when they comes. Until then, ill continue to do what he called me to do on November 20th, 2011. One day, ill be in a position to help Uros Markovich & other dedicated musicians, djs, & producers, of the gospel. Be blessed homies #InJesusNameAmen Check out his website: UrosJazz Check out Bowery Mission web site:
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 19:17:17 +0000

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