You guys know me. Im always down for a good Top 100 list. Heres a - TopicsExpress


You guys know me. Im always down for a good Top 100 list. Heres a new one from a site (filmschoolwtf) I havent visited before. * indicates that Ive seen it. In reverse order: 100. The Ghost and the Darkness (1996), Stephen Hopkins 99. * What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? (1962), Robert Aldrich 98. Bug (2006), William Friedkin 97. * May (2002), Lucky McKee 96. * The Haunting (1963), Robert Wise 95. * Splinter (2008), Toby Wilkins 94. * Ginger Snaps (2000), John Fawcett 93. Inside (A linterieur) (2007), Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury 92. * The Awakening (2011), Nick Murphy 91. Bad Taste (1987), Peter Jackson 90. * Shadow of the Vampire (2000), E. Elias Merhige 89. * Carriers (2009), David Pastor, Alex Pastor 88. * Fright Night (1985), Tom Holland 87. * The Devils Backbone (El espinazo del diablo) (2001), Guillermo Del Toro 86. * Trollhunter (Trolljegeren) (2010), Andre Ovredal 85. * Dog Soldiers (2002), Neil Marshall 84. * In the Mouth of Madness (1994), John Carpenter 83. * High Tension (Haute Tension) (2003), Alexandre Aja 82. * Session 9 (2001), Brad Anderson 81. * Freaks (1932), Tod Browning 80. * The Frighteners (1996), Peter Jackson 79. Wolf Creek (2005), Greg Mclean 78. Case 39 (2009), Christian Alvart 77. Dead Silence (2007), James Wan 76. Flatliners (1990), Joel Schumacher 75. * Slither (2006), James Gunn 74. * They Live (1988), John Carpenter 73. Eden Lake (2008), James Watkins 72. * The Fog (1980), John Carpenter 71. * Black Death (2010), Christopher Smith 70. * Suspiria (1974), Dario Argento 69. * Candyman (1992), Bernard Rose 68. * Jacobs Ladder (1990), Adrian Lyne 67. * Childs Play (1988), Tom Holland 66. Sinister (2012), Scott Derrickson 65. * Videodrome (1983), David Cronenberg 64. Stigmata (1999), Rupert Wainwright 63. * Mama (2013), Andres Muschietti 62. * Scanners (1981), David Cronenberg 61. * Dont Look Now (1973), Nicolas Roeg 60. * Eraserhead (1977), David Lynch 59. * Pet Sematary (1989), Mary Lambert 58. * Martyrs (2008), Pascal Laugier 57. * The Mothman Prophecies (2002), Mark Pellington 56. * A Tale of Two Sisters (Janghwa, Hongryeon) (2003), Kim Jee-woon 55. * Repulsion (1965), Roman Polanksi 54. * The Host (Gwoemul) (2006), Joon-ho Bong 53. * Hostel (2005), Eli Roth 52. * Re-Animator (1985), Stuart Gordon 51. The Skin I Live In (La piel que habito) (2011), Pedro Almodovar 50. * The Woman in Black (2012), James Watkins 49. * King Kong (1933), Ernest B. Schoedsack, Merian C. Cooper 48. * The Fly (1986), David Cornenberg 47. * Carrie (1976), Brian De Palma 46. * Audition (Odishon) (1999), Takashi Miike 45. * The Omen (1976), Richard Donner 44. * Frankenstein (1931), James Whale 43. * Tremors (1990), Ron Underwood 42. * Dead Alive (Braindead) (1992), Peter Jackson 41. * The Lost Boys (1987), Joel Schumacher 40. * An American Werewolf in London (1981), John Landis 39. * The Birds (1963), Alfred Hitchcock 38. * The Crazies (2010), Break Eisner 37. * Nosferatu (1922), F.W. Murnau 36. * Stir of Echoes (1999), David Koepp 35. The Strangers (2008), Bryan Bertino 34. * Ju-on: The Grudge (2002), Takashi Shimizu 33. Mirrors (2008), Alexandre Aja 32. * Poltergeist (1982), Tobe Hooper 31. Shutter (2004), Banjong Pisanthanakun, Parkpoom Wongpoom 30. Vacancy (2007), Nimrod Antal 29. * Rosemarys Baby (1968), Roman Polanski 28. * [REC] (2007), Jaume Balaguero, Paco Plaza 27. * 1408 (2007), Mikael Hafstrom 26. * Psycho (1960), Alfred Hitchcock 25. * The Mist (2007), Frank Darabont 24. * 28 Days Later (2002), Danny Boyle 23. * Insidious (2010), James Wan 22. * Jaws (1975), Steven Spielberg 21. * The Cabin in the Woods (2012), Drew Goddard 20. * Drag Me To Hell (2009), Sam Raimi 19. * The Blair Witch Project (1999), Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sanchez 18. * The Conjuring (2013), James Wan 17. * The Descent (2005), Neil Marshall 16. * Scream (1996), Wes Craven 15. * Hellraiser (1987), Clive Barker 14. Wrong Turn (2003), Rob Schmidt 13. * The Hills Have Eyes (2006), Alexandre Aja 12. * A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), Wes Craven 11. * Paranormal Activity (2007), Oren Peli 10. * Saw (2004), James Wan 9. * Friday the 13th (1980), Sean S. Cunningham 8. * Night of the Living Dead (1968), George A. Romero 7. * Alien (1979), Ridley Scott 6. * The Exorcist (1973), William Friedkin 5. * The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), Tobe Hooper 4. * Halloween (1978), John Carpenter 3. * The Ring (2002), Gore Verbinski 2. * The Evil Dead (1981), Sam Raimi 1. * The Shining (1980), Stanley Kubrick
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 21:47:05 +0000

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