You guys know that Im here for every one of you .....normally just - TopicsExpress


You guys know that Im here for every one of you .....normally just to entertain you , to create smiles and laughter, to show you the beauty of this magnificent planet, the amazing talents of artists of all types ( musicians, painters, photographers, etc) . Its what I do best ( I think) ;-) but.......lets talk about judging people here for a minute or two. We all were taught judge not lest ye be judged, right? I think that some of you ( no, not YOU, of course ;-) ) are doing that without even recognizing it sometimes. Its a natural tendency as we decide who we like, the kind of people we perceive each of us to be, how they make us feel when theyre around us, or even the posts they might make on a day theyre feeling bad or have just been hurt. I try hard to rise above all of that even though Im human too but I dont always succeed either. Anyway, research clearly show us that how positively you see others is linked to how happy, kind-hearted and emotionally stable you are. You guys know that I always preach positivity and maybe you sometimes wonder why. Ive been through various states of hell just like all of you have. In contrast though, negative perceptions of others are linked to higher levels of narcissism and antisocial behavior. A huge suite of negative personality traits are associated with viewing others negatively. But you know......we all have a choice each and every day. Being positive HERE ( even though sometimes I may not totally feel great or positive), I set my mind into gear to feel and be positive. Sometimes its subtle, sometimes it works like magic...but guys, BE POSITIVE. Your thoughts do control your mind and body and the way you treat others. Negative thought patterns are just like cancer. They grow and grow and eventually make you sick. They poison the joy and emotional wellness of your body and mind. The simple tendency to see people negatively indicates a greater likelihood of depression and various personality disorders. Given that negative perceptions of others may underlie several personality disorders, finding techniques to get people to see others more positively could promote the cessation of behavior patterns associated with several different personality disorders simultaneously. I surreptitiously create positive thoughts and feelings here every day. I KNOW what Im doing. Im not just another pretty smiling face ( LOL ). Many of you tell me daily that Ive made their day, shown them the way,changed their bad attitude , made them feel better, and created joy, smiles, and laughter. Thats not by accident, its by conscious design. And you know.....Ive made comments and posted pics that say.....basically....that making others happy is what makes me happy. Well, its true. Spend your day helping others, sharing your knowledge, helping solve their problems, and just generally being a good person out there.....and it DOES come a real and positive way. We can change the world if enough of us get the pay it forward attitude going but we change OURSELVES almost instantly when we learn that giving is better than taking. Loving is better than judging. Joy beats anger. Eventually, you even see your life and outlook change............positively and for the better! Okay, Im done........carry on!
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 15:37:19 +0000

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