You hav no comparison bcozz You are just Awweeesomeee :) Today - TopicsExpress


You hav no comparison bcozz You are just Awweeesomeee :) Today I got Message From The Universe For You ****************** There is no one looks like you. There is no one have the same character and qualities like you. There is no one talks, walks, sing and dance exactly like you. There is no one think and feel exactly like you. You may have some similarity with some people but even your siblings and relatives are not exactly like you. If no one is like you, then why are you comparing others with you. Others may compare but not you. You have no comparison with others neither anyone else has with you. Each one of you are the marvelous creation of this nature. You are the gift of your parents love and you are the most uniquely crafted soul in this divine Universe. Then, why are you comparing your success and failures with others? Why are you getting into a competition with the crowd? Those who could not recognize their uniqueness, those who could not listen to their inner voice and those who could not follow their dreams from the crowd. Your mission is not be into the competition game, because there is no competition or no comparison in this Universe. Everyone is uniquely crafted by the divine power and magically gifted with the ability to live their dreams. When each one from the crowd understand this and follow their dreams, their dreams to be happy, their dreams to be best in their endeavors, their dream to be a creative genius and their dream to be someone exceptionally outstanding in the thing they love then there will be no crowd and there will be no losers, because everyone will be a winner. Don’t follow something because everyone else is doing the same thing. Don’t get into the street and start comparing yourself. Don’t look outside whats good in others and you don’t but look inside and see how gifted your are. And when you do that you will realize how much power you have been gifted with, how unique your are and what marvels your can create. You want to be a singer, musician, painter, author, film-maker, entrepreneur, traveler, teacher or an athlete , you can be whoever you want to be, be someone you love to be, because you are gifted with that power within you, you are made for that magical journey you dreams about and the whole Universe is waiting for you. Many people lose their true passion of life in the game of comparison, competition and unfair recognition. They lost their human spirit, happiness and hope, ultimately they lost themselves in the go. If you are feeling stressed, insecure and failed due to constant game of comparison. Then time for you to give up on your comparison scales of beauty, wealth and ability. Now is the time for you to accept the uniqueness within you. Time for your to see yourself the greatest creation of this Universe, to find out you passion, to see what you love to do, to see what your life meant for you, to go for those blissful moments of love, happiness and creative excellence. No more sadness, anger and unworthiness due to others success, they are living their journey and you have to live your own. Time for you to stop comparing yourself to others and start accepting yourself. Time for you to stop criticizing yourself and start appreciating yourself. Time for you to stop getting sad and start celebrating yourself. Because comparison and competition will only steal your joy. Be happy, celebrate your gifted talents, nurture your skills if needed to, transform yourself if you needed to and polish your personality if you believe so. But do it for yourself to feel more happy, more confident and to create more magic in life. You have no comparison because you are AWESOME. Neither anyone else deserve a comparison because they are awesome too. In a Universe of Love, happiness, bliss and abundance there is no place for comparison because you are AWESOME. The Universe ****** #YES_YOU_ARE_AWESOMEE #Spread_love #Spread_awesomeness #Be_thankfull_4_wht_uh_hav #practise_law_of_attraction #ER_Tushar__Tapadiya
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:27:36 +0000

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