You have GOT to be kidding us.......apparently these - TopicsExpress


You have GOT to be kidding us.......apparently these hypocrites have written off donations to some group, that turned around and gave money to the lawyers defending these jerks. THEYVE FOUND A WAY TO WRITE OFF THEIR LAWYERS BILL. That just makes me PUKE. quote: The exact use of Jon Cargill’s and Crafts, Etc.’s contributions to the foundation aren’t clear, but National Christian Charitable’s outgoing grants reveal a series of disbursements to groups that have offered legal services to Hobby Lobby or signed on to amicus briefs supporting the lawsuit. In 2012, the NCF contributed $94,340 to the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, the D.C.-based legal group representing Hobby Lobby in the upcoming Supreme Court case. Between 2002 and 2012, National Christian Charitable also contributed to at least 40 of the groups that signed on to amicus briefs supporting Hobby Lobby’s case.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 20:52:18 +0000

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