You have a purpose, season and time for your existence. You are - TopicsExpress


You have a purpose, season and time for your existence. You are important to the Lord. I was very young at the time, but I do not remember people lined up outside Metropolitan hospital in Detroit two months before I was born anticipating my arrival. I do not remember scores of photographers waiting to pay my parents for the first pictures of me. I do not remember a special cottage being built for me nor did I remember Vegas bookies giving odds on what my name would be. And as the world has lost its mind yet again over the birth of a child to a royal family, we should be reminded that we are all part of a royal family...the family of God. Each of us came into the world through different circumstances. Some of us had baby showers thrown in our honor and and some of us were thrown into the shower. Some us were born with a silver spoon in our mouths and some of us wish we could taste a spoon. Some of us had parents who gave careful thought and prayer to our names and some of us had our name randomly selected from categories ranging from liqueurs, cars, colors and characters. Some of us were dedicated to the Lord and some of us were dedicated to the addictions of our mothers while we were in the womb. No matter your circumstance, the Lord created you. You were designed and according to Psalm 139, you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Every hair on your head is numbered. Your life was planned before the universe existed. You have angels assigned to protect you and bring you favor. And if your parents did not want you, you are no mistake. You are not a consequence. You are an event. You may not have a ton of pictures from your infancy or childhood, but the Lord has captured every moment of your life and He has an expectation for your greatness, the same expectation you should have for yourself. When the challenges of life get you down, look to the Lord and thank Him for creating you. All that you experience is part of His divine plan and you are going to accomplish exactly what He has planned for you to accomplish. The Lord never creates anyone without purpose. Go take some pictures of yourself today and bask in your beauty and uniqueness. Have a royal celebration in your honor. Type up a royal proclamation announcing your remarkable power and stop letting people destroy your image. You are made in the image and likeness of God. You are marvelous!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:01:09 +0000

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