You have been praying for an open heaven. It should also be - TopicsExpress


You have been praying for an open heaven. It should also be understood that the release and the tearing of the veil which happens to those of a pure heart which causes them to see God while releasing greater glory from above also sets hell into a panic state. The capacity to see God is also the capacity to see the devil. An open heaven also indicates an open hell. It is always the setting of the battle line between the Kingdom of light and the Kingdom of darkness. The closer you get to God the more the enemy takes note of you. Your closeness to God your Father reminds the enemy of how much he has lost, so he becomes even more rageful and venomous toward you. But remember that though he rages and roars "like" a lion. He is only pretending to be a lion and only gains ground when the pure in heart remove their focus from God and focus on the illusion of fear. This battle that you are facing while you have being asking God for an open heaven is an indication that heaven is open. For heaven in this epoch and "dispensation" in which we live cannot be opened without hell also being opened. What you are going though is an indication that the battle forces of heaven is now engaging hell on your behalf. When heaven is open over us sometimes all hell breaks loose in panic. The confusion and inexplicable attacks you are facing is because your prayers have been answered and heaven is open over you. Praise God Halleluyah, we know the end from the beginning. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 09:10:13 +0000

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