You have one board member that is working hard to re-instill local - TopicsExpress


You have one board member that is working hard to re-instill local values and principles at Vandalia Butler District, and to purge these Federal Common Core State Standards that are handcuffing many of the teachers. He is George Moorman. And, if you really want to see local control of the education curriculum and freeing teachers and administrators from the shackles of bureaucratic, pure profit-motivated high stakes standardized testing and socialistic prnciples --- then stand UP and speak OUT in support of Mr. Moorman. Send emails to the school board members (email addresses are on the school website under the Board of Education tab. Call them - their numbers are there too. Attend the Board of Education meetngs and watch how the bureaucrats sit there and rubberstamp your childs educational future. If this public school was ever at a Turning Point as they claimed during the last tax levy to fund bloated salaries, pensions and health insurance, it is NOW. We are an Education Turning Point for the children. Common Core is now fully-implemented at Vandalia Butler. All 12 grades are now being taught using federal standards whose very clear goal is to provide a special kind of education to help students get along in a socialistic society. Many of the administrators and teachers do not even realize what they are teaching the children. It is also a Turning Point for parents and other supporters of public education. It is time for you to get involved in your schools and force a paradigm shift. Do it for your children and your grandchildren. Do it for your neices and nephews. Do it for the teachers and administrators whose hands are pretty much tied. They will not speak up because they fear losing their jobs if they go against the breaucracy. The superintendent can make recommendations but he has seen fit to accept the federal takeover of standards and curriculum. The Board of Education can make the changes. They have the responsibility to reflect the values and principles as exhibited by the electorate.They are also accountable. You elected them -- you can un-elect them and replace them with more community leaders that stand on values and principles of liberty -- like George Moorman. Its time for all of you to choose.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:40:43 +0000

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