You have to love a day that begins with laughter. I slept in - TopicsExpress


You have to love a day that begins with laughter. I slept in all the way to 6! wowzers...I staggered into the bathroom to take care of last nights beer, and staggered back into the dark bedroom. I could see well enough to note that my wife had flipped the covers back for me to get back in bed...snuggle time! yay...I went to hop back in bed only to find a furry lump right in the middle of my side, one that was NOT going to move for anything short of an act of God, or a really solid shove. Did I mention it was pretty dark? The pause required to shove the dog dorked up the timing, and as my wife went to fling the blankets back over me her closed hand connected with my forehead in a resounding and meaty THWACK! Didnt hurt me, it was my head, didnt hurt her hand...and in the tenth of a second after hearing that glorious sound we were helpless with laughter, the poor dog squished between us lengthwise. Hes surprisingly long for a 7 lb idiot. Heh, who am I callin an idiot? Tracey couldnt have planned that better...I still start chuckling when I think of it. THWACK! says the forehead. heeheeheee...Im quite possibly simple. Last night, hours before the thwacking incident, my wife persuaded me to accompany her and Nicole to the Tenino tree lighting ceremony. Im finally of an age that the small town traditions such as this strike me as a wonderful thing rather than something to avoid like the plague. We even brought the moron, making it a family affair. Bruiser, in his ugly green sweater doing his bean-pod impression, stuffed inside my jacket so hes A) easier to hold onto, and B) He wont die from exposure to the 50 degree air lol. He was pretty jazzed, kept a doggy eye on Nicole, and would start to bark if she got out of his sight. Apparently I was silhouetted against the light, because a woman came up to me to Make sure there really was a dog over here, I thought YOU were barking. Really lady? lol. Yep, that was me, just standing there and barking at people, its kind of what I do, I guess. Bruiser was very popular last night, and I had something Id long suspected confirmed for me...the owners of small dogs can be really freakin weird. We got corralled by an older couple that couldnt take their eyes off the little dork, very sweet people, but ohhh so odd. They started chatting us up like we were their long lost underwear (?) and just talked and talked. I have this horrible habit of making eye-contact with strangers and speaking to them as if theyre interested in anything I might say, but these I know entirely too much about every dog theyve had in the last 20 years. I edged away, only to be confronted by a posse of kids all wanting to see The cute widdew doggie! ACK!!! The dog loved it, digging his tiny claws into my nipple for a better grip, trying to wag his whole body and succeeding in making me motion kid got their face a little close and sure enough, LIIIIICK! Oh man, his breath is terrible! I chuckled at that, thinking Good boy! We got dinner and brought it sweet little girl having enjoyed herself thoroughly, she took her dinner and skipped into the office, leaving my wife and I to eat Subway sammiches and watch the first 20 minutes of a recorded Peter Pan Live! before realizing it basically SUCKED...then we got really cultured and watched The Goldbergs which did not suck. Tonight well be going to see the Lighted Ships Parade, an Olympia tradition. And one weve been taking Nicole to since she was a baby and couldnt even see the lights...a memory maker. I so love my wife and daughter and our little moron dog, and I finally do not dread the coming Christmas. I was ten years old when my Dad died on Christmas, and Nicole is ten years old now... ...and I will always be here for her on Christmas. I love you Tracey Fralick, thank you so so much for smacking me in the face at the buttcrack of dawn least you didnt smack me in the face WITH the buttcrack of dawn! And thank you for Nicole, I treasure the two of you unendingly. Smoooch!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 16:12:10 +0000

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