You have to see what the police do to this cripple in a - TopicsExpress


You have to see what the police do to this cripple in a wheelchair....Then imagine what they would do to you, or your wife, or grandparents, and children......Who needs criminals when brutal organized crime has become the law of the land.....This was done in a police station.....No video and you would not believe it.....999 times out of a thousand there is no video.....Police lie, everyday, they are taught to be brutal and to lie to get the conviction.....We imprison more of our people in the US than any country in history in this country today.......Once you are in the system you are a slave.....This is not justice or freedom.....The problem is systemic, we are going to have to stand up and hold these criminals responsible for their crimes against us and our country.....Remember the ones that hurt you or your family......Things are going to change, bear witness to what was done under color of authority.......How long should a man go to prison for beating a cripple when they put people who never hurt anyone in prison for 20 years for marijuana?????.....I say at least 40 years, the victim was helpless to defend them self, and probably suffered severe injuries being thrown around with the paralysis they already suffered.....These are the people that are suppose to protect us from crimes like this not terrorize, beat, and kill us.....I do not respect the justice system because it is a scam, it is an organized criminal enterprise that protect the 1% at our expense.......
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 04:52:48 +0000

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