You have to understand your enemy to be able to defeat - TopicsExpress


You have to understand your enemy to be able to defeat it! Youve got to love and understand these Crackkas! [Europeans and their descendants] and Camel f**kers [Arabs]. When they were in caves and almost nearing extinction from cannibalism, un-civilisation, diseases, incest etc., they trickled down into Africa. We Africans accepted them housed them, fed, clothed them, gave them lands to till, gave them an education and civilisation. Even these were not enough for them. They had to still invade Africa, in their greed, envy and hatred of Africans they sought to control what is NOT theirs, they set forth on a mission to kill, steal and destroy - exactly what every enemy does. As they invaded lands, raped people and cultures, destroyed homes and looted and murdered to the tune of hundreds of millions, they never for once thought of the illegality of their presence in our lands. Then they didnt know that visas and passes ton enter and exist a foreign territory was useful. While they were looting African sciences, knowledge, technology, medicine etc to build their lands and the so called new world, they never thought of border control. While they were capturing and enslaving Africans and shipping them en-masse to the Americas, they never knew what undocumented workers and illegals were. When they were stealing lands in America, they never remembered they were illegal and the Americans - Natives. BUT all of a sudden, their lands have been built, they have looted and set up institutions to continue to fund their looting in colonialism, democracy, nation states after the Berlin conference in 1881-2, it was now time to set up laws to protect themselves from the victims of their oppression, evilness and bloodshed. Now, it was time to play the victim and act - Why do the rest of the world hate us? Now, it is the time for them act like humans. Now, its the time to demand a visa from you before you go into their own lands. Now, it is the time to label you illegal immigrants, aliens etc. Now, it is the time to set up laws against terrorism, right after they have terrorised the rest of the world for centuries. Do you really understand the world you are living in today, Africans? Do you really understand these Crackkas? For you to understand how to break free, you need to understand how the mind of a Crackka works! For you to be able to defeat your enemy and overcome it forever, you need to understand its nature, how it thinks and acts so YOU CAN ALWAYS BE PREPARED AND BE TEN STEPS AHEAD OF IT ALWAYS! I mean, just roll back the clock and see what events have brought us down this lane and who have been the causes, the you shall understand why the same person wants you to forget history and move on. Then you shall understand why the same person wants you to love your enemy. Africans, Africans! WAKE UP!! ----- You might not like my choice of words, that is fine, neither do I like your form of reasoning! ----- By Teekay Akin [Akin Adeseye] 16/11/2013
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:11:21 +0000

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