You have to watch this video. This is how Obama got elected - - TopicsExpress


You have to watch this video. This is how Obama got elected - TWICE! This is how someone like Jeanne Shaheen holds a Senate seat. They are called LIVs (low information voters) and have absolutely no sense of reality. Here is a case in point with Shaheen, just an example, without going into her support for illegals, her true record on veterans and her virtual complete support for every failed economic and foreign policy of this administration. This is one example of how Jeanne Shaheen twists facts (lies) to influence Low Information Voters, in this case by stirring up bogus hatred against the Christian right. This was part of Shaheens statement after the Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision. Todays Supreme Court decision unfortunately jeopardizes basic health care coverage and access to contraception for a countless number of women and Im very disappointed by the ruling. Blocking access to contraception will have economic and public health consequences that our country cannot afford. The statements she has made since then have been very similar, as have been those of many other politicians against the decision, such as Hillary Clinton. Now there are people who know of all the implications of the Hobby Lobby decision, and have a view of that case based on the facts. This is where the deception comes in. To those who hear or read these statements, Shaheen would have them believing that Hobby Lobby denies all contraception through their health plan. That is far from the truth. The FDA has 20 approved methods of contraception. Only 4 of them were objected to by the family that owns Hobby Lobby on religious grounds. All 4 of them are believed by that family, based on their faith, to end life. They proved this to the court, based of their view of the Bible. 3 of the 4 end life after conception, and the 4th is suspected of causing cancer, which can end life. They have no religious objection to the other 16 forms of contraception, and if they did, they would have to prove it based on their Bible, which has no objections to contraception as we know it. The left want you to believe this company has denied all contraception by twisting the truth. They know that the intellect of the LIV will be to a have a knee jerk reaction , that hatred will be stirred, and they wont bother to research the truth. These are the 16 forms of contraception that Hobby Lobby never objected to and are still available through their healthplan. This is from the Daily Kos in July 2014. ...She joins Hobby Lobbys health care plan. It includes access, co-pay free to the following categories of FDA aproved birth control: Male Condoms, Female Condoms, Diaphragms with spermacide, sponges with spermacide, cervical caps with spermacide, Spermacide alone, Birth control pills with estrogen and progestin (Combined Pill), Birth control pills with progestin alone (the mini pill), birth control pills (extended/continuous use), Contraceptive patches, Contraceptive rings, Progestin injections, Implantable rods, vasectomies, female sterilization surgeries, female sterilization implants Now if you knew that there were 16 approved and 4 non-approved methods, and formed an opinion either way based on that, good for you. If you believed before reading this that Hobby Lobby banned all contraception, and formed an opinion based on that, you are a low information voter and have been made a fool of by the likes of .........Jeanne Shaheen.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 04:28:50 +0000

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