You hear a knock on your door. Who could it be at this late hour? - TopicsExpress


You hear a knock on your door. Who could it be at this late hour? You look around. The room is a mess and there are dirty dishes in the sink. When you open the door you see a stranger standing there. Mark Patterson, he says with a broad smile, its been so long! I have looked forward to this day!, he says loudly like hes your best High School friend. May I come in? Your mind scrambles to remember. WHO is he? I know him! I know this man. I just cant remember! You open the door, but he doesnt walk in. He just stands there and smiles at you, and waits. He looks you directly in the eyes and starts to grin. Suddenly you are overwhelmed with a rush of uncontrollable emotion. Your mind swirls. Tears stream openly down your face. You cant speak. He cries too and pulls you towards him and into a strong bear hug. As he does your entire body surges with an indescribable energy. You can feel every single cell become new. You are a child and you feel love you have not felt during your entire life, but somehow immediately remember. Mark I need you. You start laughing inside. HE needs me? Me? How could He possibly need me?! He just smiles and walks into your apartment and sits down on the orange plastic chair with the broken arm. Ive always heard you Mark. Every time. Every single time you talked to me in your mind or out loud. I wanted to talk back, but I couldnt. You needed to work things out on your own. Now things have changed and there is much we need to do....
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:28:13 +0000

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