You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He - TopicsExpress


You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Genesis 50:20 (NLT) It can be a real mess out there. And the crazy thing is, there can be whole rising muck of stuff on the inside too. And yet — we do it anyways: String up a tangle of lights. Set a musty angel atop the tree. Deck the front porch and the back streets and the whole tilted world in this twinkling robe, this tinseled robe. Watch how the whole world spins round in these lit colors. But as much as the world decorates and prepares for Christmas, its like the hem of our robe is dirty and dragging; theres always the ripped underside of things, the dreams and bits of us and unspoken hopes, all torn to pieces. You can feel this — in a torn-up world, you feel a bit torn apart. When you are brave, you give yourself the gift of facing and touching your own torn places. The places where were torn to pieces — can be thin places where we touch the peace of God. Like Joseph, in the book of Genesis, who reaches out touches his own worn-thin place. He feels along the edges of the torn places, and he sees through, telling his brothers that verse we can hold onto like a gift today: You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. What was intended to tear you apart, God intends it to set you apart. Whatever has torn you, God makes a thin place to see glory.Whatever happens, whatever unfolds, whatever unravels, you can never be undone. You can stand around a Christmas tree with afamily tree like Josephs, with cheaters and beaters and deceivers. Or his dad, Jacob, who ran away and ran around and ran folks down. But out of a family line that looks like a mess, God brings the Messiah. What was intended to harm, God intended all of it for good, and no matter what intends to harm you, Gods arms have you. You can never be undone.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 20:21:55 +0000

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