You just go Barack Obama defy the GOP and trash talkers who have - TopicsExpress


You just go Barack Obama defy the GOP and trash talkers who have never treated you with any respect wouldnt even talk to you but, talked at you or down to you. I truly understand how you have done everything in your power to do the right things and yes sometimes you stumbled but, your heart was right and that did you no good. The folks in DC with their fake self righteousness and phony patriotism have gotten on your last nerve. Refused to work with you sabotaged even things the agreed with just to make you look weak dumb and ridiculous like the majority of the tea part faction. Who love the rich folks dirty drawers who are taking them down and making them enjoy eating crap and accepting crap while voting against their own best interest .Cutting their own throats . Killing legislation that would put America back on track. You are in lame duck status and they are still trying to hurt you and America in whatever way possible because they get rich serve their pimps masters in the corporate world. Do your thing Mr. President you have just has much right constitutionally as the Bushs, The Reagans, The Nixons have you are the Commander and Chief you havent been as assertive as you could have because your a kind and gentle soul desiring to do good and right but, the clowns/haters of the GOP were having none of it you are smart and capable . They never give you credit for anything good they just hate and disrespect you and the FLOTUS Michelle calling her an ape and gorilla calling you a Muslim terrorist they need to check Bush/ Cheney for that they are the ones who walk skip and hold hands with Arab Kings and Princes for the last 60 years. Anyway make the republicans heads explode by doing what you say take a page from their paly book do whatever you think is right for the people overall. They know you deported more so called illegals than any republican ever thought of yet they say your weak on that issue( I didnt like it but, I understand why you did what you di8d to the poor folks who just wanted a better life for their families and want to come out of the shadows and be good Americans helping to feed, fight for, work hard and clean up this nation. They deserve a decent chance and its about time you and we gave it to them. Dont let the haters . racists and fearmongers win do what you know is right the real patriots of America will support you at least we hope so ! God Bless you your beautiful wife and family !
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:45:25 +0000

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