You know I am sitting here trying to put into perspective what I - TopicsExpress


You know I am sitting here trying to put into perspective what I am feeling right now and what I have just experienced. It is something that mere words cannot do justice to. Words like Mind-blowing, earth-shattering, monumental come to mind but even they cannot express what my heart is crying out to say. If there was ever any doubt in my mind (and there never was) that God is real, that he cares for me, and that he has a plan stamped out for me specifically to fulfill, that doubt has been vanquished. If you struggle with the existence of God or you have trouble wrapping your head around the idea of one infinite Creator that designed everything we see and know, then ponder this for a moment; if there is no God then why in the face of unfathomable turmoil, anguish, and despair, in the face of unspeakable evil can something as minimum as human kind bare to go on. How can frail humanity to keep up hope in those times and situations. How can I as a mortal man in my moments of deepest sorrow still have hope, still believe that the sun will come up again if God either doesnt exist, is not real, or is dead. This week God has once again opened my eyes to his greatness and immensity and my own minimal existence. Yet in that minimal existence he has chosen to use me again and again; he chooses to use any willing vessel. Yesterday morning as I walked down the empty hallway of a 4H camp cabin God reminded me of something. Only one year ago after a sleepless night trying to control a bunch of rowdy teenage boys I walked through that same cabin and asked God for something......I said God instead of these young men contemplating a historic practical joke, or congratulating themselves on the most obscene body gesture (okay maybe I didnt say that exactly) I said God let them experience you here, instead of talking about the things most teenage boys talk about let them have an experience with you here in the confines of these walls......God asked me if I remembered praying that b/c he knew that I had forgotten, and I said yes Lord I remember that small prayer, the fact is that only a few hours before that I saw Gods presence fill that space I saw young men take charge of their future, take charge of their friends future and say they were going to stand up in the face of evil and change the world for God as his presence infiltrated every member of their being and they felt Gods power for themselves and for their words like motivation, encouragement, passion, and destiny fill my life.....God motivates, encourages, and drives us to reach a world of evil and hopelessness for his sake....I am so thankful I was a. able to see some of the vessels he is going to use to change the world myself, and I was able to share encourage them I am also thankful that .b. he has the same desire to use me to accomplish the same thing.....for in him I live, and move and have my being Acts 17:28
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:25:44 +0000

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