You know I am sorry but some people really need to stop, read, and - TopicsExpress


You know I am sorry but some people really need to stop, read, and understand things before they post them and comment on them. Just read a post from a lady that posted one of those right wing blog pieces that was slamming a few Subway Franchise owners for becoming Halal Certified. Now she went on quite a bit in rant, part of which said and you know Im not being racist or hateful. Which of course is always a red flag meaning generally someone is about to say something racist and hateful. She started talking about how people needed to stop coming into this Country and demanding that we change and if they want eat their food they can just go back to their own country, ect ect. Now the only problem with this is the fact that one she was from New York and the story she was referencing was from Ireland and the UK which has had some fairly big Muslim Neighborhoods for decades. In general just because someone is a different Religion than you doesnt mean they are from another Country. Now she is sitting here harping about an issue in another Country about how citizens born and raised in that Country need to go back to their own Country. The problem is they are in their own Country. Just as most of the Muslims and Jews in America that are here were born and raised here. Subway (as most Corporations do) allows for stores to substitute a variety of ingredients depending on the cultural community in which they are opening a store. They dont sell beef in India. Some Franchises dont even serve meat period. However if you are businessmen or women that want to open a restaurant and you want to open it in either a Jewish or Muslim Neighborhood the chances are you are targeting a specific demographic. Locals tend to eat more often at local businesses. So it would make sense that a person opening a restaurant in a Muslim Neighborhood would have their restaurant Certified Halal. Just as it would make sense if you were opening a Restaurant in a Jewish neighborhood that you would probably have a certified Kosher Menu. If you dont cater to to your clientele then youre not going to make money and your business is going to fail. Its simple economics. Now of course she went on to rant about well they should just be all inclusive and serve both menus. Well aside from the fact that it really should be up to the Business Owner what kind of restaurant they wish to open, is the fact that she obviously has very little understanding of what being a certified provider of dietary restrictive menu entails. And basicly a subway franchise just could not afford the cost of being able to provide both menus within reason. In no possible way can there be any contamination of the restrictive diets food. Which means different staff, different prep areas, different cook areas, different freezers and coolers, different cutters, knives, and utensils, wide space between all the different areas, ect. A business owner would need a space about 3 times the normal size of the average Restaurant with an operating cost of about 4 times the normal cost of operations. And all of this because she thinks Muslims need to go back to their own Country and that business owners in Muslim Neighborhoods shouldnt cater to Muslims. Its like know your not being hateful or racist at all. Not in the least.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:41:03 +0000

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