You know I find Trinidad specifically is full of people who are - TopicsExpress


You know I find Trinidad specifically is full of people who are just willing to sell out their values, principles and integrity for a couple pieces of silver. They jump from party to party based on its fashionable outlook and or what they could get. As opposed to looking out for the best interests of T&T. That is what most disappoints me about Trinidad and some of its people. Ive been doing my own thing in Trinidad & Tobago since I arrived For what I thought was going to be a short holiday in December 2012 and have not been employed since then to present day. Ive offered my services to people free of charge and others have requested that I help them free of charge also. 1- I was offered TT$3M or £300,000 in 2010 to sell out my principles and join and help build up the social media capacity with a bunch of miscreants who are quickly falling apart and crumbling like the walls of Jericho. 2- Ive been accused by a political dimwit who claims that I was the recipient of a scholarship under the PNM, then the accusation turned from that to having received millions of dollars under the PNM where I was given millions via some PNM slush fund scholarship and former Caroni 1975 Land and also to be in cahoots with some as they term it Balisier Wearing Minister 3- My picture was used in 2010 and recently in 2013 to ascribe some racially motivated jargon that they alleged I would have said. I contacted Facebook via telephone which then made the content illegal. Ive been accused of many things. But not one of those allegations made could ever hold any veracity. Why? Well because its based on the fact that PRINCIPLES OF INTEGRITY and MORALITY in the conduct of all ones affairs holds it own under any and all forms of scrutiny and agenda driven propaganda. There have been many of you who asked. Why did Pearce make such a sudden shift from a politically driven context to a more nationally driven context in social media. Well thats because, when push comes to shove, we really have to get our system working again and that cannot be effectively done from a partisan political context. We need to raise voices collectively and not partially. I am very happy to say that since being in Trinidad & Tobago, not only have I consistently held the track record of getting all the facts first even before anyone else. I have also managed to assemble a hardworking team on the other hand that is reaching out to hundreds of young people across Trinidad & Tobago. I really could careless with the politics of confusion and bacchanal in T&T, which is why in recent times many of you have noted a certain degree of silence emanating from my side of the political realm. In terms of my own individual outspokenness from a previously partisan perspective. At times, one is required to go through a certain degree of introspection and an understanding of the entirety. It is upon this basis that I return to England in August to continue my individual development as I take a step forward at the Blavatnik School of Government to do my Master of Public Policy (MPP). I intend to use this opportunity to further expand and enrich my socio political understanding of what is needed to help us build a better and more effectively managed nation.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:44:06 +0000

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